VOLUME 13 Chapter 10

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"Hm! Bishop Blast will be returning soon! I heard the Pope only passed by Gareth in his White Steed and continued his flight to Elvennur!" Waking up from a sound sleep after hearing the uppity voice of Seiness from the slightly opened door, Jackson looks around him. The bed was empty with him being the only one there and the sheets were the only thing left unkempt as everything else was already tidied up.

As his eyes settled from the long day he had yesterday, the piercing rays from the sweet touch of the morning dew embraced his fair complexion as he leaned out of bed. Still in his pajamas, he turns to his left to see the Cheque left by the Adventurer Guild and the Plaque they got from the Blacksmith Guild. Neatly sitting by the wardrobe door while the piece of paper was on the counter next to the bed. Taking it, he smirks at the vertical line with a horizontal angled line coming out of the edge of its tip and the four slices next to it. "One thousand silver coins... sheesh." He then plops it back and stands up, stretching his arms and legs before leaning left and right. Proceeding to the mirror, he checks on himself.

Though his black hair had gotten a bit longer, now reaching his neck, it was still possible to style it to the usual clean cut with a half on the left. With his usual well built physique still in tip top shape, he dons only his shirt and shorts, he goes out of the main bedroom to see that Elizabeth was reading a book while drinking a wine on the sofa, Bahamut in her Dragon form, sleeping on top of a ledge by the fireplace and Alana at the table looking at a bunch of well made letters with Seiness who was trying to replicate her elegant style.

"Good morning, My Lord." Stretching his arms once again, he looked at the Queen as he scratched his back. "Haaaaah... morning Eliza-" before he could continue, she raised her index finger to his mouth. "My Lord... we have a guest early this morning." Waking up fully from his error, the man nodded and just sat next to her as his brain was still in the process of fully starting up for the long day.

Looking at Elizabeth, she was in her usual brown and tan commoner dress. The book on her hand being one of the Earthling Novels Alana bought. Leaning forward to see its front page. "The Brothers Karamazov?" not knowing what it is, he just leans back, hands on the back of his head. "Already, you're reading some complex Earth novels. Geez, you Vampires are something." He wipes his face with his hands as he stretches once again.

"I do find your literature to be... faithful and enigmatic, My Lord. Though why does the ones from this country called the Russian Empire seem to be very sad and depressing?"

"Well, I've been to Russia before. The modern day one that's a Federation." he then yawns and leans forward once again, resting his elbows on top of his legs. "Was the Moscow Referendum as Asia and the collective West signed the Moscow Peace Treaties. The place was actually pretty good for what it is. But a bit unnerving at times." He soon starts rubbing his chin as he stretches his arms once again. "Hmmmmm... I do wonder why Trevor wanted to specifically ask for Bahamut..."

"Exactly what do you mean by this, My Lord?"

"Is there something with Bahamut that would solve whatever is happening right now when he was in charge? Or was he given the same information as we do and needed to fill out some questions all by himself?"

"My guess is that he thinks that she could solve a specific problem and the larger picture overall. Knowing your colleagues, My Lord. He probably ran into the same problem we have and sought out to find answers and get help from his trusted confidants."

Looking over to the Dragon sleeping on the sofa. He nods and turns to her once again. "Bahamut did detect the underground fortress under this city... I might need to visit the UN Outpost."

"Ohhhhh! I shall come with you, My Lord!" She sets down her book and looks at him straight in the eyes, her emerald colors sparkling in excitement. "I do believe I will find answers there, if not clues!" Taken aback by her sudden closeness, he sighs. "Well, it won't hurt to check and see. Not like the Outpost here is something big or amazing. But, it might indeed have something."

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