VOLUME 13 Chapter 1

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Waking up in his pajamas. Jackson throws the blankets over the bed and to the floor as he looks around to notice that it's already morning and the opened door to the living room shows Elizabeth bent over to the large window whilst Bahamut was just lounging around. Finding her place in the sofas and the animal pelts.

Stretching his arms and yawning, the man got up and turned to the window himself. Opening the glass, he turns to the left and sees that the blonde was busy rearranging the flowers. "Who do you think she is? A Noble?" looking down from his side, he notices a bunch of children were grouped up. With their arms behind their backs or the sides of their bodies, the little men were blushing a bit as they looked up to the beautiful woman doing her thing.

"Hey you little shits."

They then turned to him, their faces going into a frown as the grown man leaned more into the window and had a grin on his face.

"You better not disturb her."

"Look Mister! She hasn't even noticed not!"

He chuckles and looks at her. Deeply shrouded in her work, making the Violets have their own space whilst the Carnations having their own area on both sides, she ignored everything else and to his surprise, the woman was in her more reserved outfit that a common peasant would wear and was not skimpy nor revealing at all. But looking down on the young boys looking at her, it's evident her face alone could captivate an entire city as even the passing carriages and their drivers would turn to look at her and take a glance. Only those so deeply embedded in their heads would ignore her.

Shrugging his head. "Just don't do anything rowdy." He then looks at her and can see the woman had a small grin on her face and he just returns to the room. Closing the window and donning his commoners outfit. "I guess even here, boys are still the same. Can't say I didn't do the same when I was young." After stretching his arms, the man walks to the living room where Bahamut had started to doze off while Elizabeth turns around. "Ah, good morning, My Lord. Seems that you had a good evening." caught red handed, the man just scratches the back of his head as he turns to the breakfast table. The pouch full of rock candies was still there while breakfast was cooking in the kitchen.

A ding then comes and Alana returns with her bag now full of bread and fresh eggs. "Ah, M'Lord. How do you do?" He smiles at the Countess, proudly brandishing her more commoner look. Swiftly turning to the kitchen to check the bread the Queen had prepared. With a taste test and hearing if it would make the crackle sound upon braking in half, the woman was satisfied with it and started preparing the rest. "I am very fine. After breakfast, can we all huddle up for a little meeting?" Hearing this, Elizabeth joins him at the table. "Hm? What were the both of you up to last night? My Lord, it's odd for you to call a meeting at such an early time."

With freshly prepared garlic bread with eggs and sausages. The party ate at the dining table as the city slowly came to life outside of their windows. The wooden window covers were opening and carts and carriages had started to move around the stone street whilst the people of Janishaire had started to open their front doors, letting their children loose as the parents went out to their respective jobs.

After explaining what has happened in the Holy See's main office. Elizabeth and Alana were just visibly impressed as they both had their arms crossed and their posture as stoic and elegant as ever. But it's visible that they're also on the fence as they didn't even change their body's angle the entire time. Remaining as still as concrete.

"My Lord, the Dragon is truly correct about you."

"M'Lord, do you attract problems like this?"

"I mean... maybe...? Nonetheless, that's what he wants."

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