VOLUME 7 Prelude

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Through the harsh winter as the Death Knight climbed to the top of Devil Peaks, hearing the roars of Wyverns below him, hidden by the clouds. He arrives at the top of the dangerous spiky mountain, he steps foot into the open Shrine of Bahamut. There, another player sat wearing only a loincloth and wielding a glass longsword. His face is covered by a strange silver mask.

"Ah, I can see, your here to drop your-"

"What the fuck?! How did you get here? And how are you not cold? Are you using some sort of a glitch? Stand back or I'll call the cops."

"Calm Mister Death Knight, I haven't fought one of your kind for a while now. This is going to be fun."

The man nonchalantly stands up and opens his inventory. Dropping all of his potions.

"Y-you don't have to do that man, you see, I have to get Bahamut."

"I know, but you do know what this Shrine is right?"

From a mighty blow of wind clearing the snow and fog. He looked around and could see the remains of bits and pieces of armor and even swords embedded on the rocky soil of the mountain."

"Ah crap, it's a PvP stage."

"Yep, this is one of the only places in Dark World that has an invincible construct. So, it's mostly used for PvP. Pretty daring of you to come here with that large dragon scale behind you."

"C'mon man, I don't have time. I worked way too hard to just die here."

"Then prove it. Are you a man?"

The Death Knight opens his inventory and drops his potions and the large metallic dragon scale that he has been carrying. Letting it drop to the ground as he flaps his cape and puts it on.

"Alright. Let's get this over with. Oh fuck."

"Good! Let us fight!"

The two sheathe their mighty blades, with Paul choosing the Arming Sword of King Paimon as Hellraiser's grip could be seen peering through behind his helmet. Without a single second wasted, the two were already at each other's throat. Though the Death Knight was able to continuously dish loads of damage, the Loincloth man was merely dodging him but his blade was also unable to go through the Dark Steel of the Knights armor.

Fighting with everything they got, the two players' differences only made the battle fair and balanced, with neither of them truly damaging one another as each of their build cancels out the other's upper hand.

"Damn it."

"You're good."

The half naked man sheaths his sword and elegantly bows. He then proceeded to indian sit at the corner of the open shrine. Lining up the potions he has dropped and collected and then going to his inventory and selecting a coffee mug. The Death Knight removes his horned helmet, revealing his mundane but manly face. With a left parted hair, looking as corporate as ever as he puts his hands up his face and just facepalms.

"Awwwww... what's up with you people?"

As he sighs, the half naked player sips his coffee quietly.

"Nice sword, good to see players still going up this mountain. Everybody's so busy at the current event."

"Yea, I didn't participate. The rest of Eldwood's Knights are actually there, but I wanna get my own dragon pet for once and then collect the reward at the Tower of Ignosi for registering a new creature."

"First time?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty excited. I can finally fly around and rain hell on any player that's on the ground."

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