Chapter 4.☁

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"W-Who are you?" I was a stuttering mess. I was going to piss myself any minute now. "Don't worry about who I am." They replied in a raspy voice.

It was a girl. I stood in the floor, not daring to move. "Derek was mine first." Anger slowly grew in her tone. Who was this?

They had yet to show their face, so I was stuck playing the mental guessing game. "You just took him from me.. And now you're gonna pay!"

Shoving me into the refrigerator, I was slapped harshly across the face. Being pushed to the floor, I felt their rough boots against my stomach as they kicked me repeatedly.

I let out a scream for Derek. "Go ahead, scream for him. He won't hear you anyway." After more kicks and punches, they finally stopped.

I laid motionless on the kitchen floor as everything ached. The intruder left, but not before saying "This is your first warning. Leave him. Now."

I stayed quiet on the floor, not even wanting to cry because my salty tears made the small cuts on my face burn. I took deep breaths, watching them walk away..

Derek's POV

"Morgan, where are you going?" Hotch asked me, noticing I was packing up all of my things ready to leave. "Kirsten. She hasn't been answering any of my calls are texts. I'm going to check on her."

I told him, swiftly throwing my bag over my shoulder. "We're in the middle of a case-" "Do you think this case is as important as my damn wife?" I snapped. I didn't notice what I said until I said it.

"That's not what I'm saying," He replied, his voice soft. "Prentiss isn't in right now. I'll send her over to check on her right now, okay?" I sighed, dropping my stuff back down.

I turned around, the whole team standing there, silent. "That's fine.. I'm sorry for going off on you like that." I apologized, and I found myself in the exact boat Kirsten told me not to get in. Stressing and pushing myself.

Hotch nodded, taking out his phone to call Emily. I went back into the meeting room, as we were soon to discuss a new case. "You alright, Morgan?"

I looked at Spencer, then went back to stirring my coffee solemnly. "Nothing, I'm good.." I lied, and he saw right through it.

He just decided it was best not to say anything. Everyone around made small conversation that I didn't bother to join in. I stayed quietly to myself.

Hotch returned to the room, his face straight. "Hotch, are you alright-" He cut off Rossi's question. "Morgan, could I see you for a minute?" I stood up, knowing something was extremely wrong.

"Emily found Kirsten at home, but she was beaten unconscious on the kitchen floor.." I couldn't believe this. "Who the hell would do something like that?!" Silent coated everyone's actions as they looked at us.

Whitout even letting him answer, I grabbed my things. "I'll go get the team." Hotch was seriously going to get the team to work this case. I looked at Hotch saying "I don't know who did this, but I want their head on a stick."

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