Chapter 15.☁

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1 Month Later.

"Oh my, Derek. Don't hold her so rough. It's a baby, not a football." I was trying to teach him how to change London's diaper properly.

He didn't know, and needed to learn. "I'm trying, Kirsten. I'm trying." He muttered, wiping sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

I gave him a confused look. "You're sweating and all you did was change a diaper?" I questioned. He finished putting her diaper on, looking back at me.

"It's a lot of work." He defended, and I put London's onesie back on. "Well, let's see if you getting something for us to eat is a lot of work."

I joked, and he kissed me softly. "I'll try." With that, he left the nursery and went downstairs to the kitchen.

Holding London in my arms, I began to rock her slowly to sleep. When I was sure she was sleep, I laid her in her crib.

I walked downstairs where Derek was, and I saw Spencer, JJ, Emily, Penelope, Hotch, and Rossi at the table. "Look who decided to show up." I smiled, hugging them all.

"We heard Derek was cooking, and we didn't want to miss any of it." Emily sipped her wine, causing everyone to laugh. "Well, I came to see my baby!" Penelope gushed.

"Well, your baby is upstairs sleeping. You can see her after her nap, though." I took a seat while Derek watched over the sizzling stove. He was making porkchop.

I sipped my wine, engaging in everyone's conversation. Derek went upstairs momentarily, which I thought was odd. I chose not to question it.

After about 30-45 minutes, I could hear London's cries from upstairs. I faked a groaned, and Reid chuckled.

"Come on, P. You might as well come with me." She followed me up to the cute, pink, elephant filled nursery.

"This is so adorable." Penelope giggled, looking around. I picked up London, trying to calm her cries. "Did you want to hold her?"

I asked, and she gave me an 'Are you serious?' face. I handed London over with a smile, watching Penelope's face light up. "She's precious." She whispered.

"Yeah. She is.."

When we returned downstairs, Spencer's face was a bold red. "What's going on here?" I asked, sitting in my seat. "Dr. Reid here has a girlfriend."

"Oh, he does?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Yeah, her name is Lauren. She's a wonderful girl."

It was adorable how his eyes would light up with passion while he talked about her. "Reid is in love!" Emily singsonged.


Everyone sat around the table, enjoying themselves and each other's company. I got up to shake the crumbs out of my napkin into the sink.

"Kirsten, wait!-" all I heard was Clink! Clink! down the drain. "Oh my, what was that?" I questioned, looking in the sink. Derek let out a laugh, shaking his head.

Everyone had shocked expressions on their faces. Derek walked over to me, also glancing in the sink. "Well, it was your engagement ring." Gasping, I looked at him.

"I tried to do something special, but it went down the drain." He laughed at his own joke, while I still stood astonished.

"Kirsten, you've been with me through everything. Times where I didn't come home until 4AM, to times where I didn't come home for days. But you've always been there to support me, and I can never thank you enough for that. You're the mother of our child, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

He got down on one knee, and I just about fainted. "Will you marry me?" He looked up at me with those big, chocolate brown eyes I fell for when we first met.

"Yes." I couldn't really speak, so I just nodded. Everyone cheered, Hotch popping open two bottles of Chardonnay. He kissed my finger where my ring should be.

"Don't worry about that ring. We'll replace it." He joked, pressing our lips together. "I love you so much, Derek Morgan." He caressed my cheek lovingly, smiling.

"I love you too, Baby girl. I love you, too.."

Hearing JJ clear her throat, we turned back to everyone. We'd almost forgotten they were there. "Come on, you two. I ready to drink more than I'm supposed to."

Rossi was already pouring glasses for himself. Reid continued to drink his water, and I laughed his cuteness. This was the best night ever.

I looked at Derek's pearly white smile, and I realized how lucky of a woman I was. I was marrying the love of my life, enjoying time with my friends.

It couldn't get any better than this. The beginning of my life started today, and I couldn't ask for any better friends..

× I didn't put it in the previous chapter, but the baby name goes to Abigail! Thank you for the name London, & thanks to all my readers who love Criminal Minds such as I! I love you all.❤

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