Chapter 5

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This chapter is longer than usual, I hope you enjoy! We're nearly at 300 reads!

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So instead, I clear my throat and sit up straight, remembering one of the many valuable lessons my mom taught me a long time ago.

'If you don't belong, act like you belong.'

"Unlike your mutts here, I don't take orders from you," I say, taking upon a cool tone to my voice, as if I'm the one in charge of this situation and not the other way around. As if my purpose from the start had been to get an audience with him.

"I will give you one last chance to answer my question truthfully before things get... Messy," my dad says thoughtfully. I glance around the room, quickly taking in all the usable exits. The doorway we came through is no good, nor are those windows by the fireplace, since they've obviously been magically bolted shut.

What I need right now is to get myself and the twins out of here before the fluid of time gets disrupted so badly that it can't be fixed. There's no way I can let my dad realize I'm a witch who's part werewolf, much less come to the knowledge that I'm his daughter from the future. Who knows what that might lead to?

"A witch," I say. My dad stares at me, his face still and unreadable. Twenty unbearably long seconds pass by. Then he sits up, folds his hands on his knees, then sighs.

"Have it your way, then," he says as he comes onto his feet. I watch as he beckons over one of his vampire servants, who is holding a sharpened stake in her hands. My dad balances the stake out on his hand, and then, without warning, throws it straight at my gut.

I catch it in midair before I'm fully aware of my actions. When I do, I realize it would have been a lot less foolish to knock the stake aside using magic or something, to further solidify my statement that I'm but a witch. But of course, I chose to show off my werewolf agility instead.

My dad looks at me, clearly entranced by my enhanced reflexes. "I know what you are," he decides in a quiet whisper. I jerk my head up to stare at him- what does he mean by that? How could he possibly know what I am?

"You're a heretic," he says.

A heretic. I let out a breath of relief. Yes, I could play along to this storyline well. A heretic, who is both vampire and witch, could have easily done all the things I did. Fight with magic, dodge all attacks using advanced strength and instincts.

"That's right," I say coolly. "I'm a siphon witch. Meaning I have the power to drain out the magic keeping you sustained, just like that," I say with the snap of my fingers.

My dad lets out a light laugh. "I doubt it's that easy, love. I have known one or two siphon witches in my time... Heretics are powerful, but not quite as powerful as me," he says.

I raise an eyebrow. "Sounds to me like you just haven't met the right heretic yet," I say in a calm and confident voice.

He tilts his head to the side amusedly. "Is that a threat?" he asks me. I shrug. "Doesn't have to be. Let me and my two friends go, and we can part ways peacefully," I reply.

He watches me for a few more seconds, before finally letting out a laugh.

"You're skilled in the art of lying, I'll give you that," he says. "You know how to control your heartbeat so that your lies cannot easily be detected by a vampire. Now who on earth could have taught you that?" he wonders. "I'm not lying," I say defensively.

My dad nods along, leaning forward and grabbing two glasses filled with blood from the table sitting in between the two of us. "Have some, then," he says, as he offers me one of the glasses.

"If you're part vampire, then surely you're craving some human blood after the long journey I put you and your friends through."

I hesitantly take the glass in my hands, and stare at the thick red blood moving around inside of it. My dad raises his glass in a sarcastic toast, and drains it all in one gulp.

Here goes nothing...

I force myself to choke down the disgusting human blood, and as I do, I put on an expression of pleasure. "You're certainly hospitable when you want to be," I say, as I place the empty glass back down on the table.

My dad merely gives a small shrug. "So you drank a bit of human blood. Something a homeless dog might do if it were desperate for approval," he says.

Another one of his vampires come forward- a big, burly man who looks downright terrified. Undoubtedly, he is fearing retribution from my dad for some reason.

"Feed from her," my dad says. I abruptly stand up and begin to back away. My dad is already suspecting that I'm not who I say I am, and this latest order proves that he suspects me of being part werewolf.

But before I can do anything else, the vampire slams me against the wall and digs his fangs into my throat. Physically, I'm powerless against this vampire, since he's clearly at least a few centuries older than me. The only way to get him off of me would be to use magic, which would lead to my dad's anger, or to bite him back with my werewolf toxins, which would only prove to my dad faster that I'm a mix between werewolf and witch.

So instead, I squeeze my eyes shut and let the vampire feed on me for roughly ten seconds before he collapses onto the floor. He begins to froth at the mouth, and his legs jerk up and down uncontrollably. I stumble away from the body, not knowing how my dad is going to react to all of this.

My brain works at a ridiculously fast level, grasping at every single piece of logical loophole I can find to explain this bizarre scenario to my dad.

The real explanation, of course, would be that since it's the full moon, my blood contains double the amount of power it usually possesses. Instead of just having the power to heal wounds and turn werewolves into hybrids, poisonous wolf venom is also running through my blood cells tonight.

But I can't tell him this, for I can't let him find out a hybrid mix between a werewolf and a witch exists. It might lead to him trying to find a different path on reawakening his wolf side, meaning he might never arrive in Mystic Falls in 2009- also meaning he won't ever meet my mom, and thus I will never have been born.

"Bloody hell," my dad whispers, barely even glancing at the tormented vampire who is suffering from my wolf toxins. "It's not what you think," I say, as I bring myself onto my feet. My next words just spill out of me as if they're part of a rehearsed speech.

"My mother is a werewolf alpha, and my father is a witch. I'm a witch too, with unawakened werewolf genes inside of me. Once I kill someone, I'll become an actual werewolf, and that's when I'll cease to become a witch," I blurt out.

My dad shakes his head furiously. "No... An unawakened wolf's blood wouldn't be so toxic to a vampire," he says, as he kicks at the body of his fallen soldier. "You- you are a wolf whose genes have awakened, and yet you still possess the ability to channel magic," he says.

"No," I insist, "No, that's not true-"

"Enough!" he shouts at the top of his lungs. My subconscious takes over my brain, and my body forces me to shrink against the wall. All of my senses are screaming at me to be afraid- but I'm not. How can I be, when this man wears the face of the loving father who sacrificed his life for me?

"A werewolf who is capable of wielding magic," my dad murmurs. "So you're not a heretic, after all. Why would you lie about that, I wonder?" he asks me.

Knowing that this is a lost cause, I give in and admit to my lies. "I- I was desperate," I say, giving him half of the truth, "I was grasping at any way for me and my friends to escape."

He nods slowly, then turns towards one of his vampire soldiers. He whispers something to the vampire in such a low voice that even I, with my werewolf hearing, can't hear what he's saying.

"What an ironic turn of events, then," my dad says, as he turns his attention back towards me.

"You lied to try and escape... And now that I have found out the truth about you," he pauses, as if for dramatic effect, "You are never leaving my sight again for the rest of your life."

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