Chapter 6

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Thank you for getting me to 400 reads! :D

Out of over 1500 stories with the hashtag #HopeMikaelson, this book has been ranked 21st! A special thank you to those who voted for all of my chapters :)

Anyways, starting from this chapter, I'll be alternating between Hope and Lizzie's povs. I hope you enjoy!

Lizzie's Pov

One hour ago.

It feels as if my entire body is defending me yet fighting against me at the same time. It's an unexplainable sensation that causes the tips of my hands to shake violently. At first, I wonder if I'm enduring another one of my episodes- an extremely traumatic one, at that. But then, as my eyes fly open and adjust to the darkness of the room, I realize it's not an episode at all. 

It's these chains- These magical restraints that are wrapped around my wrists. I can sense that the cuffs are trying to siphon the magic out of me, totally unaware of the fact that, I too, am a siphoner. 

My body battles against the cuffs, siphoning the magic that is being siphoned away. I can't make sense of any of it. The only thing I know for sure is that these chains are getting weaker and weaker... With a little luck, I'll be able to muster a little bit of magic to get me out of these things.

"Fractos!" I shout, and watch with relief as the chains fall off my wrists with a small burst of light. 

"Josie? Hope?" I call out, only then realizing that I'm in a cell of some sort. 

"Hope-" I recoil and scramble away as I realize the body I thought belonged to Hope is actually the unmoving body of a young, dark haired witch.

What the hell is this place?

I look around, and see that there are exactly nine other witches in here, apart from me and-

"Josie!" I shout, as I hurry over to my sister and shake her shoulders violently. 

"Josie, wake up!" I say, pondering over whether or not I should slap her across the face.

"You are special," a quiet, unfamiliar voice says. Chills run up my spine as I jerk my head up towards the sound of the voice. Over on the other side of the wall, with the same chains wrapped around her wrist, is a teenager with pale white hair.

"You got out," she says, as she nods to her own cuffs weakly. "So did she..." she trails off.

"She?" I wonder. "She who? Hey!" I snap when the girl looks like she's about to drift off to sleep. 

"Her... The one with the red hair," the girl replies softly.

The one with the red hair. 


Okay, so Hope managed to get out of her chains, too... And then what? She just ran off and left me and Josie here to die?

I scrunch my face up when a ghastly smell reaches my nose. What is that? It smells like the carcass of a rabbit or a racoon or- 

"Oh my god!" I scream, as I feel the wetness of my hair. It's drenched in something... Blood. My perfect blonde hair is drenched in blood.

I stare at the puddle that has collected in the middle of the room. Whose blood is that? Surely not Hope's?  Not even her wolf powers will be able to save her from this much blood loss. Has she been killed? 

Has she been turned into an actual tribrid with the vampire skill set and everything?

I hear a soft groan escape Josie's lips. I frantically hurry back over to her. Using the magic of the blood in my hair, I manage to get the chains off of her. 

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