Chapter 58

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Lizzie's Pov

We've been on the train heading to New Orleans for seven hours now. Hope's body rests on the seat next to mine.

She wakes up so subtly that I would have missed it, had I not been staring at her face for the past few minutes. She opens her eyes and turns her head from side to side.

"Hope?" I say, giving her hand a small squeeze.

"Lizzie," she smiles.

"Glad to have you back," I tell her.

"Not as glad as I am," she laughs. "Where are we?"

"On a train headed to New Orleans. That's where Freya's coffin is, right?" I ask.

"Yep," she nods.

"Hey, you okay? You sound a little tense," I say.

Hope shakes her head. "It's nothing," she replies immediately. "I... My body's probably just tired at having been killed so many times. I should rest."

"You're not curious as to what happened while the Other Hope was in control?" I ask.

"Of course I am," she answers hastily. "Just... Not right now, maybe? I should rest," she repeats.

"Yeah- here." I move aside so that she can lay down on the seats. "Sleep. And when you wake up, we'll finally be going home."

"We'll finally be going home," she repeats with a smile.

It doesn't take long for her to fall asleep. I stare out the window for a while, then glance at my mom, who's been sleeping since two hours ago.

Night falls. I must have fallen asleep at some point, too, because I'm woken by the sudden lurching movement of the train.

"Good, you're up," my mom says to me. "You two have the spells ready, don't you? The- The time travel spell and the emotional anchor spell or whatever it is?" she looks first at me, then at Hope.

"I can perform the time travelling spell, and Hope can emotionally anchor us to 2028," I answer.

"Okay, then. Ready to enter New Orleans?" my mom nods, just as the train completely comes to a stop.

The three of us step out of the train. Around us, hundreds of people bustle about, moving this way and that.

We make out way into the French Quarter, which is giving off a very strange vibe. Supernaturals glare not only at us, but at each other, as well. Vampires stand in alleyways and bare their fangs at the people who pass; Witches, in turn, carry several artifacts in their hands, ranging from defensive charms to dark weapons.

"It's only been a few years since Mikael came and destroyed the supernatural community of New Orleans," my mom murmurs. "Right?" she looks at Hope for confirmation.

"What? Yeah," Hope says, her mind apparently having been on something else.

Dowager Fauline Cottage. It looks way creepier than it did in 2011.

"So- So all I have to do is cast a basic emotional linking spell? And that'll take us to the year we need to go to?" Hope asks me.

"That's what worked last time, so yeah," I grin, wondering why she's asking me this when she's the one who came up with this time-navigation idea in the first place.

We enter the cottage, and just like in 2011, the door slams shut behind us. We don't meet anyone on the way up to the attic; Once we arrive, I siphon away some of the magic from Freya's coffin, and prepare to cast the time traveling spell.

We'll Go Down In HistoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora