Chapter 10

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Lizzie's pov

Stupid. Hope. Andrea. Mikaelson.

I hate her. I absolutely hate her.

I spent the past decade trying to become friends with her. I finally succeeded in warming up to her. I even made it past the whole incident where she jumped into Malivore and erased herself from the collective conscious.

But now, all of a sudden, she decides she gets to leave me and Josie by sacrificing herself for us? No. Absolutely not.

Still, I know I can't stick around in the town square. So I grab Josie's unconscious body, and vamp-race to the outskirts of town. My feet carry me to a small house residing over a creek. I knock on the door, and wait impatiently as the owner of the house comes to answer it. I can hear the owner's footsteps approaching- I can hear everything now. The sound of people's heartbeats, the soft sound the leaves make when they hit the fresh snow...

"What do you want?" an old woman answers gruffly.

"My sister's hurt, we need a place to stay for the night," I snap. 

"Find yourself a shed, then, girl. Do I look like I have anything to spare?" the woman spits out.

"Hey!" I say, as I reach out to grab the woman by her shoulder. Instead, I find my arm getting knocked aside by an invisible barrier of some sort...

Of course. 

Vampires can't get in without invitation. And that's what I am now. 

A freaking vampire.

That's when another power of a vampire comes into mind.

"Invite me in," I compel the woman. 

"Come in," she replies immediately. I shove her aside and enter the little cottage, with Josie still passed out in my arms. I don't know what Klaus's vampires did to her. All I know is she needs attention right away.

I hesitate for a moment, then bite into my wrist. Blood flows out of the wound, but I can hardly feel anything. 

I raise my hand up to Josie's lips, and let my blood drip into her mouth. I force her to swallow the stuff, and within seconds, the color returns to her face.

"Lizzie?" Josie groans, as she sits up. 

"Where are we? Where's Hope?" she asks. "That," I sigh, "Is a long story."

And I tell it to her. All of it, not missing a single detail. Mostly because explaining what has happened so far is the only way I can feel like I'm in charge of the situation.

"Hope gave herself over to save us?" Josie whispers. 

"Yes, but she's going to be okay," I say, though I don't quite believe it, "Hope can take care of herself."

Josie shakes her head. "That's not what I'm worried about," she says. 

"Lizzie- to us, Klaus Mikaelson is just a name in the many history books we've read. He's this character we've learned about in class. Since he was always depicted to us as this horrible villain, our brains immediately see him as a threat. Hope, though..." Josie sighs.

"The Klaus Mikaelson of this century wears the same face as her father. Her subconscious is going to find it extremely difficult to accept the fact that, despite what he looks like, he's not the same man," she finishes.

That's when all of the emotions I've been feeling during the past few hours kicks in, and shatters open my mind. I prepare myself, already knowing that another one of my episodes is coming. 

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