Chapter 32

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Also, just wanted to let you guys know that I've just published a new book! It's called, "From a Cradle to a Grave", and it's a TVDU x Harry Potter crossover fanfiction :)

There's going to be a synopsis of this new book at the end of this chapter, but until then, go ahead and enjoy the story :D

Lizzie's pov

"So," I say, as I turn to Josie, "You found out all about how my day went. What happened with you?" I ask her. Josie opens her mouth to talk, but is interrupted when the alarm clock on my desk goes off.

"Classes are starting soon," Josie grimaces. "Are you going to come? Or do you want to get some rest?" she asks me.

I sigh. "I got enough sleep on the ride home from New Orleans," I say, though that is a complete lie. "Let's go."

I spent the next half hour getting washed and dressed. Normally, school wouldn't be so high up on my priority list, but since we're stuck in an alternate world, I have to learn as many things about this place as I possibly can.

The day starts off weirdly right away.

First period is magic class, which is exclusive to only the witches, obviously. Everyone gives me strange glances, and I quickly figure out that the word of my vampirism has gone throughout the entire school already. But that's not the only weird thing that happens during this class.

In my original timeline, the Salvatore School used to have a reputation for only teaching defensive spells to its students. We were never taught offensive ones... Until last year, when the whole Malivore thing erupted. After that, my dad decided it wouldn't be too bad of an idea to start teaching a few offensive spells to a couple of the older students.

But in this timeline... Everything is different. One glance at my new textbook tells me that everyone here was first taught offensive spells in, like, the first grade. The incantations in my very thick textbook are crazy advanced- I doubt even Aunt Bonnie could perform half of them.

During lunchtime, when I go over my class schedule, I realize a few new subjects have been created. 'Physical Combat for Witches?' 'A History of the Originals'? Apart from basic P.E. lessons, witches never take any physical combat classes- those are reserved for vampires and werewolves, only. And as for the latter subject- 'A History of the Originals'? Really? An entire class dedicated to learning about Hope's family?

"MG? Hey- MG!" I call, glad to see a friendly face. I grab my food tray and sit down on the seat in front of him.

"Lizzie! Hey," MG nods to me cheerfully. I hold up my class schedule and point to it.

"What is this?" I ask, as I gesture to the words, 'Physical Combat for Witches'.

MG looks puzzled for a second, then he nods, as if he understands. "Right, you're half vampire now," he says. "I'll have one of the students who assist in the office get that changed for you. You're gonna be attending classes with me now- isn't that fun?" he grins.

"What?" I blurt out.

MG's face falls. "Oh, god- I didn't mean- I mean, it's so horrible that you died, Lizzie, I wasn't trying to say that I was happy you died- or, are dead- or rather, undead-"

"Just stop talking!" I yell.

A few students stare at me, but I just ignore them.

"Wait, so- Since when were these subjects a part of our school's curriculum, again?" I ask him.

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