Chapter 02

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Third person pov.......

The class had already begun and the students were quietly listening except for one.

Yeji who remains bent over and Not listening. Even when his teacher calls her, she doesn't even respond to his calls or questions.

So her classmates make all kinds of rumors about her.

She hears that but she just doesn't pay attention. Right now because there is a teacher, but when there isn't, that's where her true Behavior comes out. Being a bad bitch.

While Chaeryeong is very focused on the lesson as well as her unnie Lia.

Sometimes she looks at Yeji, but she also immediately removes her eyes from it for fear that it might just look at her badly.

While the teacher was writing on the blackboard, Chaeryeong got a chance to whisper to Lia.

"Lia unnie....."

"Why Chaer?" Lia asked While still looking ahead.

"Do you know our new classmate?" Lia looked at Chaeryeong.

Lia didn't know if she would answer the younger girl answer.

"Chaer....... don't come near her okay? She's a dangerous person" Lia replied raising the younger's eyebrow.

"What do you mean unnie?"

"Just..... just don't find it"

Lia went back to listening to the lesson and Chaeryeong was still thinking .

'What does that mean?' Chaeryeong though.

Sh didn't think of a reason so she immediately erased it from her mind.

(Time skip)

Just finished the first class and now they have lunch.

Chaeryeong is now arranging things while Lia and Ryujin are waiting for her.

They will now go to the cafeteria to eat.

"Let's go unnie's?" Chaeryeong invited and the two nodded.

Lia and Ryujin walk side by side while Chaeryeong is in front of them.

While walking, they were surprised when the arrogant and evil student Yeji passed by them.

She was just walking, but when other students stared at her, theh seemed to be scared.

"What else can I do then?" Ryujin mumbled as Chaeryeong heard.

"Unnie... who is that? Why do people seem to be afraid of her?" Chaeryeong asked.

"Chaer..... I told you right? You shouldn't know things about her" Lia explained to the younger.

The brunette wonders why Lia doesn't want to answer her questions.

"Hello!" Chaeryeong was surprised when Yeonjun suddenly appeared in front of her.

She grabbed her chest as if she was going to have a heart attack .

"Aissh Yeonjun oppa..... will you kill me in Panic?" Chaeryeong complained while staring at Yeonjun.

"I'm sorry if I surprised you Chaer. I just need to let you know something"

Chaeryeong took a deep breath to get rid of the remaining nervousness in her chest.

"Are you okay now?" Lia asked and patted Chaeryeong's back

"I'm okay now unnie" replied the younger.

Then Chaeryeong looked at Yeonjun again.

"What are you going to say?"

"We have a clean and green project to take care of later in the office" the brunette raised her eyebrows at what she heard.

"Again?, last time we did that too right? We will repeat it again?" Chaeryeong asked in a disgusted tone.

"That's President Kang's plan, I can't do anything" replied Yeonjun.

"That man, he did nothing but torture us" Chaeryeong said and was touched by her senses.

"Let it go, it's our duty"

"Shhh whatever" Chaeryeong said and rolled her eyes.

They said goodbye to each other and Chaeryeong, Lia and Ryujin went straight to the cafeteria.

They immediately ordered food and sat down in the vacant seat.

The girls having a small chitchatting until they suddenly hear a crash on the other table. They turned around and saw Yeji with an enemy.

She held the collar of her enemy's uniform and reached out to punch it.

"What's going on there?" Chaeryeong asked and stopped eating.

She was about to get up from her seat when Lia suddenly stopped her

"Don't go" Lia restrained her.

"But unnie, there will be trouble here when I don't stop them right away"

"Chaer.... it's even more chaotic when you stop her"

The brunette was surprised by what her unnie was saying.

Until all of a sudden they hear screams. .Chaeryeong turned around and saw that the two were starting to fight.

She could do nothing but run into the fight and stop them. Lia immediately chased her followed by Ryujin .

"Hey stop! Stop!!" Chaeryeong restrained the two.

Yeji still doesn't let go of her enemy even though it doesn't punch back. She kept punching it and her blows became even faster and stronger until the boy face was bleeding.

"Stop that!! I told you to stop!! "Chaeryeong shouted. Chaeryeong's words were so loud that everyone fell silent, including Yeji.

She stared at the cat eyed until it also stared at her.

Yeji let go of her enemy and faced Chaeryeong.

"How dare you stop me, huh?" Yeji slowly move forward making Chaeryeong move backward.

Yeji's stare at Chaeryeong was bad. Chaeryeong was swallowed by the older's stare.

"Because you're making trouble, so I have to stop you" Chaeryeong replied in a cold tone.

"You have no right to stop me okay?" Yeji added.

"And why Nothing? I'm the Vice President of the school council office so I have the right to reprimand you for the wrong you're doing" Chaeryeong backfired.

"And who cares? Nothing, right? " said Yeji and pushed Chaeryeong away. It's a good thing that Chaeryeong still balances herself so she didn't fall.

The two stared even worse until Chaeryeong approached Yeji and slapped her face.

The slap was so loud that the students almost heard it. Yeji grabbed her cheek and giggled.

She looked at Chaeryeong and without hesitation she pushed it hard. This time, with the force of her push, Chaeryeong backed away and hit her back on the table.

"Outch!!" Chaeryeong groaned and sat down with the force of her hit on the table.

"Chaeryeong!!" Lia shouted and immediately approached the brunette.

"That's what you deserve, you're so drowning" Yeji said still happy with what she did.

"Shut up Yeji!!" Ryujin shouted at her.

Yeji just shook her head and left Chaeryeong still sitting on the floor.

When Yeji disappeared from their sight. other students immediately helped Chaeryeong to be taken to the clinic .

Falling in love with the Bad Bitch || Chaerji ✔  ||Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя