Chapter 16

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Chaeryeong pov......

I was surprised when Yeji suddenly hugged me. I even heard a little sob from her.

I think she was crying but when I asked her, she just refused.

I don't know why she's still fighting, I can see that Yeji is changing. She has become serious in her studies, she always smiles well and she doesn't fight anymore.

She really change a lot.

"Ryeongie~" I looked down and saw Yeji. It was the first time she called me on that nickname.

Her head was on my lap and she just woke up now.

"You're awake Yeji" I said and smiled.

We have been here at the clinic for over an hour. When I finished treating her, she was drowsy. Unfortunately because there was no pillow, so she decided to make my head a pillow.

She's not that heavy. She got up and arranged herself.

"I'm sorry if I slept that long" she apologized.

"Its okay, just be comfortable"

"Looks like we skipped a class, we might get scolded" she said as she looked at the clock.

"Its fine, Ms. Myoui is kind. She won't scold us" I said and she nodded.

Later on, my stomach suddenly goes. I haven't even eaten yet.

"Someone is hungry" Yeji said and giggled.

She's cute when she giggling

"Because I didn't have breakfast, then we also missed lunch so I'm sure I'm hungry" I replied and held my tummy again.

"Come, let's eat" Yeji invited and grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the clinic.

We run down the hallway, not minding the noise that we made. Yeji is just happy While holding my hand, while I..... so too.

I smiled at Yeji's view which was so beautiful.

She so...... damn...... pretty.

I tightened my grip on her hand and ran as well.

We ran until we got out of university, I was wondering where we were going. But I know Yeji has no bad intentions. I give her my trust.

"We're here!!" Yeji shouted and stopped running. We both panted because of the non -stop running.

I looked around and I was surprised.

We are at an amusement park.

Yes, we ran the University to the amusement park.

"That's tiring" Yeji muttered still panting.

I chuckled and helped her breathe.

"We can just ride, why did you think we should run it"

"You know.... it's exercise" she said and smiled annoyingly.

I took out my handkerchief and wiped away my sweat.

"Let's go?" Yeji said and I nodded.

I went in first and left Yeji behind me.

Yeji pov ......

I’m watching my little peach right now. I mean Chaeryeong.

"Hurry ​​Yeji!! Let's ride there!!" Chaeryeong shouted as she pointed to the roller coaster ride.


I looked at the ride and I was devastated when I saw it spin upside down.

It's you..... know.... scary.

"Yeji !! Hurry!!" Chaeryeong pulled my dress so I looked at her and smiled even though I couldn't.

"Do you want to..... really.... ride...... there?" I will ask.

"Yes!! That's my favorite ride!!" She replied and giggled.


I don't know if I can handle that? Yes I'm brave but, in this matter, let's not talk about it.

"Are you scared Yeji?" Chaeryeong asked so I looked at her again.

She smirke and crossed her arms.

"No" I answered immediately. Pretending to be brave.

"Really? Then, why do you seem to dislike the ride?" She asked again.

"Uhm- I'm just not comfortable"

"Silly, come on!" She suddenly pulled me and we went straight to the ticketing booth of the roller coaster.

"One for you, and one for me" she said and handed me another ticket.

She looks so excited.

"Hurry Yeji!!" She shouted as she pulled me on the ride.

My heart is beating fast. Am I going to die?

In the midst of my self -fear, Chaeryeong seemed to have no fear.

I didn’t realize I was already sitting on the ride. Locked and No exit.

"This will be exciting!!" .Chaeryeong shouted.

I’m happy for her, but for myself. No.

The ride has started. At first slow, but when we were in the middle. It suddenly sped up causing me to scream.

"Holy shit- AAHHHHHADSXCSFGFJW!!" I shout on the top of my lungs.

I could hear Chaeryeong shouting too but was immediately replaced by laughter.

I closed my eyes and cupped Chaeryeong's hand. When I felt it, I immediately interwhined my hand in her hand.

I tightened my grip on her hand and so did she.

The ride rotates over and over again and I can already feel my stomach turning.

I'm sure, I'm gonna burst later.

"Yeji!! That's enough" Chaeryeong said While patting my back.

When I felt nothing I immediately pulled away from the trash can and let myself fall to the floor.

"Are you okay?" Chaeryeong asked.

"You think I'm okay with this situation" I savagely answer.

She rolled her eyes.

"Why are you angry? I'm just asking you?" She shouted.

"You are the reason why I am like this"

She rolled her eyes once again.

"Get up bitch" I was surprised when she called me.

"What did you say?" I frowned.

"I said get up"

"No. you call me bitch"

"Oh. ..."

"You need to say sorry"

"I won't"

"Then, stop calling me bitch"

"No. Bitch " she immediately ran and I immediately stood up to chase her.

Falling in love with the Bad Bitch || Chaerji ✔  ||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora