Chapter 6

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It's 6:10 when Zack pulls into the parking lot of the Korean barbeque restaurant. I'm already there, arms crossed and calling his phone.

"You know I hate it when you're late," I say, hanging up as he jogs over in grey sweatpants and a fitted black top- his post-gym outfit. His hair hangs in his eyes, slightly damp, and he smells suspiciously like my shampoo.

He comes over and peers at my phone. "You have me saved as 'The Ex?' I'm hurt," he says.

"If you're late again, I'm changing it back to 'Don't Reply,'" I say.

"Traffic," he says. My glare doesn't stop so he nudges my shoulder. "Forgive me. I'm paying tonight, remember?"

"Fine," I mutter as we step in. The aroma of sizzling meat devours me the second we step in and my mouth waters in anticipation. It's been so long since I've had red meat. That shit is expensive.

Zack eyes me. "Close your mouth, would you?" he says. "If you start drooling, I'm out of here."

I narrow my eyes at him as the waitress brings us to our seats and starts handing out the menus. Our seats are by the glass walls so I'm able to watch people walk by as Zack scans the menu.

"Hurry and order. I haven't eaten since breakfast," I say.

"That explains your cheerful personality," he mutters, pressing a button on the table that calls over the waitress.

"You should be grateful," I say while wrinkling my nose as the man on the other side of the window adjusts his wedgie. I shake my head and turn away. This is why I shouldn't people-watch. "I'm getting your money's worth."

He orders five servings of meat and they start giving us the side dishes. When the waitress leaves, he slides the glass noodles to me.

"My favorite," I remark. "If I knew you'd be so nice, I would've asked for dinner every time I won a competition."

"Nope," he says. "Those don't count."

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because the forty million competitions you win a year are all coding competitions to add to your resume. This is one you actually like."

"Then I'd better make the most out of it," I say. "I might even order a soda."

He gives me a look. "You're such a gold digger."

I slam my chopsticks down in disbelief.

"I'm a gold digger?" I say. "I'm here eating dinner with you. I must be the worst gold digger in the world."

He glances over me. "You probably won't put out at the end of the date either."

"Oh, fuck you," I say, rolling my eyes.

"You already did. Now shut up and eat your bean sprouts."

I reach out for the dish with the bean sprouts when something outside the window catches my eye. Not something- someone. My chopsticks clang when I slam them on the table.

Zack jumps back slightly. "Fine, don't eat the bean sprouts then."

"It's not that," I say through gritted teeth. "Katy's outside."

"Who?" he asks, scratching the back of his neck.

"Katy," I say. "The girl who used to hang out with you, like, every day. Marcus's friend. The one who-"

"Oh, the girl you were jealous of," he says, nodding in recognition. "The one you called a fake bitch."

My lips flatten into a line and I accidentally make eye contact with her. Zack doesn't notice.

"Yeah, she's pretty obsessed with me. Can you blame her, though?" Zack continues, stretching out his arms.

Even as I look away, I can practically feel her staring at me.

"Brush my hair," I command. My tone doesn't match my smile.

"What?" he says, scrunching his nose. "No."

"Just do it."

He leans back, crossing his arms. "She knows we broke up, Amelia. You don't have to pretend we're together."

I continue to force a smile. "I don't care. I don't want her going after you. Now brush my hair!"

"Why not?" he asks.

"She tried to hit on you when we were together, remember? Now hurry or I'll sneak into your room and steal all your underwear."

"What?" he says. "You're so fucking-" I narrow my eyes. "Fine." He reaches out a hand and flicks a piece of hair out of my face. "Happy?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see her still staring at us. Her face is smug.

"That was horrible," I say. "Have you never touched a girl before?"

"Are you not a girl?"

"You know what I mean."

He leans back and crosses his arms, surveying me. "All this just to get her off my back?"

I purse my lips. "It's my duty as your best friend to keep homewreckers away from you."

Zack nods slowly then turns around to look at her with zero subtlety.

"She's gonna see you!" I protest.

"Good," he says. "I want her to."

Before I realize what's happening, Zack stands up and bends his head to mine, bringing our faces together. My breath catches as his hand rests on my neck, his lips inches from mine. It's not a kiss but from a certain dyed blonde Asian girl whose name rhymes with Matey's point of view, it looks like one.

"Satisfied?" he asks quietly, his eyes staring into mine.

I swallow. "Yeah. That's fine."

A voice breaks my attention. "Um... your food..."

We both jolt apart as the waitress awkwardly places a plate of meat on our table and shuffles away. When I look back out the window, Katy is gone. Zack grills the meat in silence and I forget to order my soda.

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