Chapter 38

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Five years later.

I never really enjoyed the beach as a kid.

The sand got into our rice balls, the water was cold, and my parents would just go on their phones the whole time.

But coming to the beach with Zack for our anniversary overcomes all of those experiences.

I just sold the third book of my series and Zack just broke a new record for most touchdowns.

Life is pretty good.

I run through the water, feeling the sand squish beneath my feet. My skirt is long, white, and flowy. My hair is tangled in the wind. My cheeks have filled out.

I reach my hands into the water and send a tidal wave towards Zack, who runs up behind me to grab my waist and spin me around. An explosion of laughter comes out from my lips- unbothered and unafraid.

We dry off and start a mini campfire for s'mores. Another thing I never enjoyed as a kid. Another activity I've recreated into a happy memory instead of a sad one.

I eat to my heart's content then sit with Zack's head in my lap as we watch the sky turn from a brilliant orange to a hot pink and fade into darkness. The moon is full and silver ,and it lights up the entire beach with the help of a couple of stars that wink down at us.

Zack looks up at me. "You wanna walk around?"

I smile and nod, not even bothering to brush the sand off my skirt or my feet. His hand slips into mine and that's all I need.

We stare up together and he shows me a couple of new constellations. Then he asks, "Do you want to count the stars together?"

My lips pull into a wide smile. "Sure."

He puts his arm around me and we stare up, hand-in-hand, and count them together.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven.

I gaze up at him. "Every night for seven days?" I ask. My voice sounds fuzzy.

He stares down at me. "No," he murmurs. "I don't want to wait anymore."

My world ignites as he squeezes my hand. "Amelia," he says. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. During the time we've been together, I have realized that you are my soulmate. No one has ever understood me like you do. All I want to do is protect you and cherish you and love you every second of every day for the rest of my life."

A sob escapes my lips as he settles on one knee and pulls out the ring box.

"Amelia, will you marry me?"

I can barely create the sounds to say, "Yes."

He slips the ring on my finger next to the one he gave me years ago then takes my hand in his and presses a kiss on it.

"I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with you," he says.

He takes my hand and as we walk under the stars, we're no longer just the coach's daughter and the stadium's star. We're Amelia and Zack, and I'm ready to be that all the way to the end.

This story was finished on August 15th at 3:22 P.M.

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