Chapter 10

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Getting dressed for the club feels awfully similar to getting ready for the parties that I would get drunk and black out at.

The entire summer, I've strayed away from alcohol despite the fact that Mia's parents would offer it to us at every holiday. I thought that the only holiday that occurred during the summer was July the 4th but apparently Flag Day, Hammock Day, and National S'mores Day are all worthy of celebration in the Lopez household.

Mia and Dominique lock themselves in the bathroom and somehow I highly doubt those banging sounds and giggles are coming from them just doing their makeup. Now I'm left clueless. What do people even wear to clubs?

Laying on my bed, I pull out my phone and look up: what to wear to clubs.

My face wrinkles as stock images of models wearing knee-length dresses as they pose in front of white backgrounds pull up. Useless.

Figuring I may as well do my makeup first, I sit in front of a mirror and moisturize my whole face until it feels smooth then press a cushion into my skin. I've only dabbed a couple times when I realize it's not going to be a good makeup day. My acne scars are making the foundation pill and look cakey.

Grimacing slightly, I shrug and continue to pat it on anyway. It'll be dark, right?

Mia and Dominique come out of the bathroom fifteen minutes after we were scheduled to leave. Raj is already texting me, asking me where we are.

"It's fine," Mia says as we get into her car. "We don't wanna be early anyway. It'll be dead."

She's partly right. By the time we get there, it's already full but it's clear by Zack's expression that we're very late.

How hypocritical.

"Sorry we're late," I say immediately.

"It's okay," Raj says, throwing a one-arm hug around me. "We've only been waiting for a couple minutes."

"Since when is half an hour a couple?" Zack mutters as he walks ahead.

I shove him and turn back to Raj. "You look good, Raj," I say and he grins in response.

"And where's my compliment, Amelia?" Zack asks, raising his brows.

I glance over at him. Layers of silver necklace hang down the dark blue shirt that clings to his arms. His earrings match.

He needs some warts or something. Yes, that would help make him less attractive.

"What was that?" I say. "I think I'm gonna find Mia."

He rolls his eyes as I walk to Mia, who throws her arms around me. Her jewelry pings against my skin as she leads us through a back entrance. A guy with blond hair opens the door but he's not the one Mia showed me in the picture.

"Drew's on-stage right now," the blond guy says, running his eyes over Mia.

She merely hums in response then wraps her arm around Dominique and grabs my hand to run forward. The music is booming and mingles with chatter as she pushes through the crowd.

"There he is!" Mia says, pointing ahead. My head is turned back, searching for Raj and Zack. However, my concern is quickly squashed when I see them talking to a group of girls at a table. Zack laughs at something one of them says and his hair falls back. He looks happy.

To distract myself, I follow Mia's gaze and see the guy by the turntables. He's focused, his tan skin glowing golden in the colorful lights. The look of someone loving what they're doing graces his face as the music changes and his lips lift into a wide smile.

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