Chapter 28

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I'm not surprised when Chris calls me into his office the morning after I'm discharged.

He startles a bit when I enter on crutches with a bright white cast. I wonder if it makes him feel guilty.

All weekend, the news has been flooded with stories of Marcus Jackson's death. The potential football star who had such a bright future ahead of him. Even if everyone in the world doesn't know it, the whole school knows all those stories are also about me and Zack.

I suppose word gets around.

Once I'm settled in my seat, I look Chris directly in the eyes. So he knows that I know I've done nothing wrong.

"Amelia," he starts.

Keep your chin lifted. You did nothing wrong.

"I'm sure you've seen the news lately," he says. "You have to know I'm so glad you're doing okay."

"I spent three days in the hospital and my boyfriend may never play football again so I'm actually not doing okay," I say. "Thanks for asking, though."

He grimaces, reaching for a coffee cup that isn't there, then pulls back.

"Amelia," he repeats, his voice all-business now. "You've been a great asset to our team for a while. I'm sure no matter where you go, you will do great things. However," he pauses, "Zion is a company that not only represents our customers through our work but through the strong reputation of our brand. You understand, right?"

I blink, not bothering to match his fake-polite tone. "So you're firing me."

"It's been a great pleasure to work with you. We just don't think it's the right fit anymore."

I let the words ring through my mind. Let the rejection seep in. I remind myself that feeling the hurt and the disappointment is normal.

"Alright," I say. "It would be a lie to say I'm not disappointed. I expected a lot more from Zion and from you as my manager. However, in the past few weeks, you've ignored every concern I've voiced for my safety and are now discarding me for the sake of your fake image. So I agree. I don't think it's the right fit anymore either."

With that, I rise from my seat.

"I appreciate the opportunity," I say.

With that, I dust myself off and carry on.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter :,)

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