Chapter 19

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It's silent for a moment. Then we all speak at once.



"What are you-"


"Should we-"

Finally, we're forced out of the way by a grandma who pushes through us so hard, I nearly topple over. Damn, I wonder what her gym routine is.

"Why don't we step aside so we don't block the entrance?" Jaden says.

We form an awkward blob inside of the store as I try to make sense of everything that's happening.

"It's good to see you guys," Jaden says, pleasant as ever. "How have you been?"

"We've been good," Zack replies and I resist the urge to snort. "What are you doing in Michigan?"

"Jaden's parents live here now," Lola says. Her glossy lips press together as she pauses. When she adds, "We've been staying with them since I found out I was pregnant," it's made clear to me that she's noticed my staring at her stomach.

I force my eyes away. "Congratulations," I say. "I'm so glad you guys are still going strong."

"Oh, we're not... together," Jaden says. "It was, uh, a... kinda..."

"A one-time thing," Lola says.

Oh... cool.

"Oh," Zack says. "Cool."

Lola flashes a pearly white smile. "Yeah, funny the way life goes, huh?" she says. "I'm glad to see you guys are together, though."

"Oh, we're not either," I start. "We're just..."

My words pause as my mind suddenly goes blank.

"Friends?" Zack supplies amusedly.

"Friends," I confirm.

Her and Jaden share a knowing look that transports me back to high school when those two were always in their own world.

I guess some things never change.

"Well, we just finished up here but it was great seeing you guys," Lola says. "Are you in town tomorrow? We should grab dinner and catch up!"

My voice gets caught in my throat. It's like another version of me stepping out of my body that says, "Yeah, we would love that."

I can practically feel the burning glare Zack is giving but it's too late. Lola is already putting her number in my phone and gushing about this amazing Peruvian restaurant we just have to try.

After some more small talk and goodbyes, they leave. Zack and I stand in line for a few more minutes but end up skipping the ice cream. I head straight for the bed, not even bothering to change into my pajamas.

"Seriously?" Zack says, tossing off his jacket. "After all you've gotten us into, you think you deserve this bed?" He starts to mutter. "I can't believe we're having dinner with them tomorrow. Lola's always been too nosy."

I duck under the covers. "She's friendly."

"Fuck friendly," he scoffs. "I much prefer someone despicable and irritating like you."

"Ha ha," I say, tossing the first pillow I can grab. "Just deal with it," I say, rolling myself up in the blankets like a sushi roll. "She's pregnant. I'm not going to say no to a pregnant girl."

He hugs the pillow to his chest like a prize then raises his eyebrow at me. "It's not your fault they didn't use protection."

I give him a pointed look. "I'm happy for them. And you should be too."

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