Chapter 31

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I can't stop pacing outside as Zack receives his medical consultation. I've tried listening but always end up stopping myself. Whatever the consensus is, I should wait until he's ready to tell me.

What feels like an eternity goes by before the door finally swings open and Zack steps out. My heart falls at the way his gaze is stuck to the ground. Still, as he steps towards me, he lifts his chin and forces a soft smile.

"They said I can't play for a year," he says. His voice is too calm. Like if he lets go for even a second, he'll fall apart. "After that, it's unknown."

He closes his eyes and places his head in his hands.

"I'm so sorry," I say, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He wraps his arms around my waist and sinks into me. "I can keep training," he says. "I just have to be consistent with my physical therapy and do weekly check ups until my arms get better." He pulls back and smiles slightly. "Thank you for being here with me, though."

"Well, I've tried being away from you," I say. "It wasn't really my thing."

It's at that moment that my phone blinks with a new email notification. I have to do a double take because it's a reply from Lauren Goldstein.

I submitted query letters to editors so long ago that I had lost hope of getting a response back. That plus the whole situation with Marcus has made me forget about all of the things I wished to achieve before it.

"An editor just emailed me," I say aloud, just to hear it myself. "They want my full manuscript." I turn to Zack. "Do you know what this means?"

He thinks for a moment. "You may publish a book?"

"If they accept me then they can start submitting my manuscripts to publishers!" I say. "So yes."

"Are you serious?" he says.

"I'm serious!"

He lifts me into the air and I'm laughing beyond control. There's a saying I heard once that I'm reminded of. It's never been more true than at this moment.

The light shines so much brighter in the dark.

A/N: sorry for this short chapter :( also totally "random" note: F*CK MEN I hate them unless ur a man who's reading this in which case u are cool. anyways happy women's history month :) 

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