Chapter 35

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The morning after the wedding, I wake up with an extreme craving for the donuts they sell at our local grocery store. While I was in Michigan, I never longed for them but I guess being back causes all sorts of reactions in my body.

I drag Zack out of bed so we can head there together because what fun is it going alone? His eyelids are hooded the entire walk there but I appreciate the participation nevertheless.

As soon as we enter, I make a beeline for the donuts while Zack gets in line for coffee and tea. The sugary scent of cinnamon and icing envelopes me as I observe every single donut in an attempt to find the best one. After picking a chocolate sprinkled and a cake donut, I look over to where Zack's still in line.

His wait gives me some time to walk around. The market has been renovated so not everything is exactly where I remember. I'm in the midst of tracking down rice crackers when I see her.

In the middle of the bread section, my mother glares at a loaf of oat bread.

I freeze completely at the sight of her back, cloaked in a black cardigan, and her hair in a bun. She doesn't even have to turn around for me to recognize her. I'm unable to run or make any sound. All I do is stand there.

She studies the different expiration dates on the breads, settles on one, and then turns.

It's like we're dominoes. The second she moves, I do too. My back has turned towards her when I see my father coming from the other direction. His expression flickers slightly at the sight of me but quickly flattens into nothing.

It's like being stabbed as he brushes past me without a word.

He whispers something to my mother and I can hear her saying, "Daughter? I don't have a daughter."

My hand tightens on the donut bag and I turn around. "Wait!" I say, catching up before they can leave.

They both stare at me blank-faced. Like I'm a stranger.

I guess I am now. After this, I definitely will be.

"I just wanted to say," I start, shocked at how steady my own voice is. "You were wrong."

My dad rolls his eyes at me but I continue before they can run away.

"You never believed in me," I say. "You never thought I would become anything. You thought that without you in my life, I would collapse. But I didn't. I've been successful in my education, put myself through college, gone through hell and back, and all the while, stayed humane and pure. You thought I would be nothing." My eyes shift over to her. "But you were so wrong."

I press my lips together. "I may not be a daughter to you," I say. "But that's fine with me now. Anyone who abandons their child is no parent to me."

I walk away without rush or lag. I walk away with my head held high knowing that I don't need to be sad anymore. I thought that me being on my own started when they tossed me away but the truth is, I've always been on my own. I've always been okay and I always will.

A/N: Short chapter so double post

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