Chapter 24

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The air is always different during the last game of the year. Winter is closer than ever. Couples bundle up in blankets. The bleachers have an extra bite. And for the first time in what feels like forever, I walk in with a 23 on my back.

"Coming through!" Mia yells, using a bag of kettle corn to push her way through. "Excuse me!" Dominique shushes her while laughing as I make space beside me and Raj. "Sir, please move your butt!"

"Come here," I say, pulling her into the spot next to me. "How was your dance class?"

"Amazing," Dominique says. "It brought me back to high school. Dance practice three days a week..." Her voice turns wistful. "I miss those days."

"Where did you grow up again?" I ask.

"San Francisco," she answers. She purses her lips. "But I haven't been back since graduating. I don't think I can handle it."

"I know what you mean," I say, voice softening as I watch Zack run out.

He jogs forward a bit then stops to lean his head back, staring up at the sky. His eyes close and I can practically feel the wind brushing against his cheeks myself.

I wrap my arms around myself and it's like bringing myself back to the first game I ever wore his hoodie to. I can feel the way my heart raced and my cheeks flushed.

I watch from afar as his eyes flutter open. As if he knows exactly where I am, his head turns and our eyes meet. A brilliant smile flashes across his face and I feel my lips lift to match his. There's a second of anticipation then he lifts his hand and points to me.

And just like that- there's no one else in this world. It becomes background noise. The crowd chanting his name. The deafening cheers when he catches the ball. It reminds me of home in the best ways.

Mia loops her arm in mine and we're standing, screaming, singing. I can see people ahead mouthing the same words as me. I can hear people beside me singing the same words as me.

Michigan scores its fifth touchdown with five seconds on the clock. We all shoot up, arms wrapped in each other, counting down together.

"Five! Four! Three! Two!"

There's a whistle and the team runs around, hugging each other, bumping each other's shoulders.

The four of us stand up and cheer with our hands in each other's, held high. Zack throws off his helmet and looks up. We tighten our grips and yell louder.

It feels like family.

I feel complete.

When I run down from the stands, jumping into Zack's arms, it's like I can see myself in ten years doing the same thing.

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