Chapter 22

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Three days. Three letters.

The first one appears at work.

You look so pretty today.

When I tell Chris, he insists it must be a compliment from a coworker. I stuff the note in my bag and go back to work but I can't ignore the knot in my stomach.

The next few days, similar notes are taped to my desk when I come into work.

Have a great day.

Enjoy work today.

You're so beautiful.

Despite my complaints at work, it isn't enough for anyone to take me seriously. After all, it's nothing but a couple compliments.

Sure enough, the notes stop for the next week. Zack picks me up every day and nothing suspicious happens. In fact, I've nearly forgotten about them until I'm at the library at night. I leave my spot for a second to use the bathroom and when I come back, there's a note taped to my laptop.

Pink looks good on you.

My world moves in slow motion as I lose my grip on my chair and look down at my chest, covered in a light pink sweater. I whip my head around but my vision goes blurry and I have to sit down.

My hand goes to my bag, rummaging around desperately for my phone. It dials Zack before I can even think. I can't stop feeling like someone's watching me.

When he picks up, his voice is raspy like he's been sleeping.


"I..." My breaths come out shaky. Too shaky for me to speak.

"What?" he says, voice clearer now. "Hey, what's wrong? Where are you?"

My breaths come out shaky. I lower my voice so no one else can hear. "Can you come get me?"

"Amelia," he says. I can already hear him getting up. "Breathe, okay? I'm here. I'm listening. Can you tell me where you are?"

"I'm at the library," I say. " I... I think someone's following me."

He goes silent on the other side. As if someone struck him.

"Okay," he says. "I'm coming right now. Are other people there?"

"A couple," I say, surveying the area again.

"Good. Just wait there. I'll be there in a second-"

"Can you stay on the line?" I ask. "You don't have to say anything. I just... I just need to know you're there."

I hear his car chirp in the background. "Okay," he says. "It's okay."

I don't know if he's trying to convince me or himself.

He says something along the lines of "I'll see you soon," but I can't hear anything over my hyperventilating. I keep the phone next to me, closing my eyes and listening to him drive to me.

My eyes don't open again until I hear him walking. "I'm here," he says. "Where are you?"

He steps into my section of the library, panting and eyes blazing. I bolt up from my seat, not even bothering to grab any of my materials. My legs move faster than my mind, only stopping once I've wrapped my arms around him.

I can feel his heart thudding as he circles my waist, sighing with relief. My breathing starts to return to normal as he holds onto me.

"Come on," he says, pulling away to look at me. "Let's go home."

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