Prologue/Story Board

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65 million years ago, a dinosaur-like alien named Keeper is pursued through the galaxy by Sledge, an intergalactic bounty hunter bent on acquiring the ten Energems in Keeper's care and using them to conquer the universe. Keeper crash lands on prehistoric Earth, entrusting the gems to a group of dinosaurs for safe keeping and cripples Sledge's ship with a bomb that leaves the bounty hunter stranded in Earth's orbit. Unfortunately, Sledge's collection of asteroids held in a tractor beam accidentally rains down on the planet and ultimately causes the extinction of the dinosaurs, who later bond with us threw there Energems.

In the present day, Keeper is found by Noah Morgan (High school genius who's serious about everything) as they set up a base under the Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum. They begin a mission to find the Energems with five already found by teens that use them to morph into the Dino Charge Power Rangers. The group consists of Tyler (the adventurous leader of the group and Red Ranger who is searching for his missing father who disappeared years ago on an archaeological dig), Emma and Shelby (the beautiful twin waitresses with vast knowledge of dinosaurs), Koda (a caveman living in modern times due to finding his Energem) Caleb (the extremely humble , farm boy with extreme skills with blades and knives) and Zeke (the suave and laid back member of the group from New Zealand). With these powers, the Dino Charge Power Rangers fight against the forces of Sledge in order to find the remaining Energems and protect the Earth.

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