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Energems up above>>>>>>>

Presenting Day
Shelby POV
"Welcome to Dino Chomp Cafe" I say with boredom at a couple who just walked inside, great more work for me. My sister and I work inside the Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum, why? Because my dad makes us he's the owner. It started off as a summer job but that later turned into a full time job and I hate to work. I walk threw the floor holding a tray of food, accidental bumping into some guys head knocking his food out his hand.

"Whoops sorry, Noah" I say
"Shelby" he sighs and I keep walking I never said I was good at this. I sit at the table and take a sip from my smoothie "Oh sitting on the job, dads not gonna like this" my twin sister Emma says. Yes we're twin identical twins mater of factly. We have long platinum blonde, hair light blue eyes, there's only one way to tell us apart and that's by the colors we wear I'm always in pink and Emma loves lavender purple. She walks past me with a loaded tray of food. She walks over to a group of girls at a table. "Ok here's the Dino muncher burger, terror-dactyl nuggets, and my personal favorite the Tricer-Fries" she says placing the food on their table the girls look at her dumbfounded "What?" She asked "We didn't order yet?" The girl says and I laugh when she looks back at me with her mouth wide open. "Oh you didn't have to, because....." She lies "I can read your mind" she hurries away from her table and back to me.

"Nice save" I complement "I know, I can't think straight today ever since I found out there going on a dig" Emma says "Why do you want to go out there anyways there's nothing but heat, gnats and mosquitoes" I say "But there's fossils and there looking for a triceratops" she says which is her favorite dinosaur "It's not like dad is gonna let you go" I say but she's not paying attentions she's looking threw the glass at some other workers loading up a truck. "Oh no there about to leave!" Emma screams grabbing my wrist and snatching a bag off the counter pulling us out the door. On our way out we run into Zeke the so called "ladies man" he's cute he's just too you know stupid. Zeke has black hair that's always tucked into a hat that he wears backwards hazel brown eyes and a peachy skin tone.

"Hey babes" he says to two girls who walk past "Get lost" the say and laugh he places his Beats back on his ears and rows a cart down the hallway. "Zeke!" Emma yells running in front of him, "Hey ladies, here for me to finally take you guys on a date" he asked. "In your dreams" I say "Then what?" He questions and looking in Emma's face he already knows what it is. "Oh no mate" he says I do love that New Zealand accent though, "Please Zeke" she says as we follow him down the hall. "Not again! Never again the last time I took you two there you guys got lost and I almost got fired" he says "That was Shelby's fault she thought she saw a T-Rex" Emma explains but it's true I saw a really big tail in te bushes it was red, and huge so we followed it and got lost, and we got in HUGE trouble.

"Really" he says I shrug my shoulders, we all walk outside the glass doors. "I'm sorry girls I love you guys but I love my job more" he says I sit down on a box and Emma runs to the next person gosh she's so persistent " Riley!" Emma screams "Look what I got!!" She yells holding up that bag she grabbed earlier from the cafe, "Your favorite! The Tyranny Burger! " she yells he grabs the bag from her and immediately shoves the burger in his mouth. "Now can I come?" She asked "NO!" They all say "Ugh!" I never get to go" she sighs sitting next to me on the box that Riley picks up effortlessly with us on top. "Whoa!" We both scream as he slams it down, on th truck and we both hop off. "Look there's dad" I say "Shelby and Emma your tables are looking for you" he says we both glance at eachtoher, as he walks past us. "Dad!" Emma starts "I already know what it is and the answer is no " he says "But dad!" Emma begs "No buts remember what happened last time" he reminds I give an awkward laugh "Beside I have highly qualified individuals for this job" he says "You mean those two " I point out Zeke and Riley acting like idiots Riley scratching under his arm then smelling it and Zeke placing his board on his head then spinning around and dropping it on the ground he does this repeatedly and dad shakes his head. "Don't you to have work to do?" Dad questions. "No dad our shift just ended" Emma says and for a second he looks like he's about to say yes instead he say "No"

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