Human WasteLand pt 2

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Ok before we get to the chapter I just want to apologize for the late update, so to make it up to you I wrote a SUPER long chapter just for you this is the longest chapter I've ever written 5626 words just for you guys lol so I hope you guys appreciate it please feel free to comment and hit the like button but anyways here you go.

Tyler POV

Is all that invades my eardrums. The next thing I know is that each of us are flying threw the air landing on each other like a dog pile.

All three of the alien creatures laugh hysterically. "You humans are pathetic, we'll be back after we bathe in some more pollution. "No!" Shelby yells hopping from the ground on her knees.
She pulls the trigger of her Plesio Shot, a pink bolt blast out hitting Slimox, causing him to roll across the ground.

He groans. "Quick!" I yell reaching out they all lock their hands together and quickly disappear. "Ugh!" Shelby groans falling back on top of the dog pile. Colorful lights shine everywhere when we dimorph but we still lay the same.
"Woah I'm exhausted!" I yell tiredly stretching my arms in the air. "Tell me about it mate!" Zeke yells moving his head closer to Shelby.

"Ugh! Move Zeke!" She shouts scooting over I chuckle to myself. "Guys we should get back too school" Caleb says sitting up, "But what about Koda!" Emma questions turning around looking back at the rest of us. "Uhh we take him with us" Zeke says loudly still laying on the ground.

"Ugh! Are you crazy! We can't take him there he'd blow his cover for sure" Shelby says "Not if someone's watching him at all times" Emma says.

"Meaning ?" Shelby questions "Someone gets him in at least one of there periods airhead" Zeke says looking blankly at Shelby "Oh shut up!" She yells, "Ok Guys we should really get going" Caleb says. We all stand and pile up in my jeep an head back to school.

"So we each take turns looking after Koda umm Zeke and Caleb you get him first" Emma says "Why us first ?" Zeke questions "Because me, Tyler and Shelby have a final this period!" Emma whisper yells "FINAL!!" Shelby yells, "Oh my goodness I forgot all about that I'm sooo gonna fail" she says running her fingers threw her blonde hair. "Looks like I'm gonna win this bet after all" I tell Shelby "Haha, you wish" Shelby says crossing her arms.

"Well maybe if you'd study for a change?" Zeke says sarcastically "Ugh! Zeke! Why are you even talking to me?!" She says loudly rolling her eyes. "Ugh! You two be quiet sheesh you sound like boyfriend and girlfriend" Caleb says sighing. "Yeah because we are dude" Zeke says, "Ugh!" Shelby groans loudly shivering "We may argue like bf and gf but we will never EVER in a million years times ever be a thing hmp!" She says flipping her hair "Now if you'll excuse me I have a bet to beat Emma in" she says then walks off.

"She's just playing hard to get" Zeke jokes nudging Caleb's shoulder I laugh loudly shaking my head, "Ugh! Zeke will you stop for at least one minute ?this is serious" Emma says. "Not as serious as that" I point out at Koda walking out the restroom, in a cacoon of toilet paper he looks like a mummy.
Zeke and Caleb bite back laughter, "Ugh! Koda?" Emma sighs running up helping him.

Caleb POV
So we're in chemistry class doing a dry ice project. "You see how when you place your dry ice in water it quickly dissolves?" Our teacher questions "But when you place it on a metallic surface it sounds as if it's sizzling, your lab for today will be to experiment with your own dry ice and write down why, Caleb and Zeke since you have company for the day he might as well suit up and join the two of you" our teacher says referring to Koda who's pulling gum from under the desk.

"Ok, Yes sir" I say walking into the closet grabbing three sets of goggles, and three lab coats. "Here!" I say throwing them there stuff. "Ugh do we have to do this?" Zeke complains "What this project or babysit Koda?" I question, "No, Koda's fine I'm talking about this stupid project" he says loudly causing the teacher to glare at us.

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