Energems part 2

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Tyler POV
"So what happened to your dad?" Shelby asked looking threw my dads journal I glance over at her then back to the road. "Hey uhhh, he went missing a couple of years back" I say "Oh no" Emma says "Is he alright ?" She questions the wind blowing threw her hair, I have a red jeep without the top. "I uhh I don't know, I haven't saw him since I was like twelve and the last place I remember him going was here" I say "I'm sorry" she says touching my shoulder and she smiles at me, I smile back.

We're on the highway now so I speed the car up and we fly down the road, I turn a corner and I see some boy on the side of the road. "It's Caleb!!" Emma yells "Who's Caleb ?"Shelby questions looking in the back of the car, "You know Caleb from school he lives on that farm " Emma says "Doesn't ring a bell" Shelby answers, I slow down and stop. "Hey man everything alright?" I ask him "Uhh yeah," he says standing beside his tore up motor scooter." oooohhhh see this is Why I don't know him........... Look at his scooter" Shelby whispers. "Shelby!" Emma whisper yells smacking her shoulder "Ouch !" Shelby yells Koda laughs in the back seat then smacks my shoulder "Hey!" I yell it feels like my shoulders numb, "Do you need a lift?" I question "Uh nah I think I got it , I have the manual to fix it" he says holding up scattered pieces of paper too bad a semi truck dashes by sending a roaring wind behind snatching his papers in the process.

A n awkward irritated look spreads across Caleb's face, "Hop in" I say and he grabs Emma's hand that's ushered out and helps him into the back seat. "Thanks you guys " he says "No it's cool" I laugh then pull out from the side of the road.

"Who knows the quickest route back?" I question, "Ow I know" Emma yells she grabs her purple book bag from the floor and pulls out a map from inside. It's a giant map her face is hidden behind it. "Umm" she sighs "We're here" she says and I can see where her finger points at from the rear view mirror and the silhouette o her shadow.

The wind ruffles the paper and blow her hair everywhere. "Here" Caleb says grabbing the other end, while Koda hangs out the the window like some type of dog, I laugh to my self. "Thank you" Emma says. I glance over at Shelby who still reads my dads journal she seems really into it, "Wow your dad has really been around" she says "Yeah he travels a lot" I answer back "look at him you guys look just alike" she smiles vibrantly "Haha really? I don't see it" I lie because I'm a complete spitting image of my dad. "Yeah" she says looking back down into the book.

"Ok so the quickest way would be to turn and make a rig-" Emma is interrupted by the sound of a blood wrenching scream and before we can all react I have no choice but to slam on breaks because a terrified woman runs from out the woods screaming the girls let out a giant gasp.

"Help us! Somebody help us please! HELP!" She screams waving our car down. Her cloths are torn up rag on her body and they hang helplessly with dirt and grime everywhere. I pull the car in the grass and the lady runs to my wind. "You have to help!! My husband he trapped!!" She yells "Ok calm down" I tell her "He-" Koda yells and he jumps from the back of the car, and he runs and the lady quickly follows behind him. "Koda!" Emma yells jumping out the backseat behind him and running after the lady and Koda. "Emma!" Shelby yells unstrapping her seat belt "C'mon, we've got to help!" I say unbuckling my seat belt the opening the door Shelby hops out her door and runs around while Caleb jumps out the backseat.

When we turn around a corner we see and upside down car with a man trapped underneath, Shelby, Caleb and I pause for a moment. Emma and Koda are tryin with all there might to get peerage on the car by its useless. "Guys we need help!" Emma yells she's in a squaring position with her back against the car trying to push it up, Koda tries pushing upwards with his hands."Right" me Shelby and Caleb all say together running over and helping them.

"UUUGGGGHHH" we all strain "It's to heavy " Shelby says "Please" the woman pleads. Every time we push the man beneath the car screams in pain "It's hurting him" Emma gasp she look petrified and begins backing away, "I can't watch this anymore Tricera-Drill!" She yells purple sparkly aura appears by her hand and her drill appears it begins spinning and she dashes up to the car, right as she lunges her drill to the car Caleb stops her, "Wait stop Emma !" He yells and she quickly stops. "We have to be careful one spark from your weapon against the car and everything goes up in flames, now we can do this if we all work together, ok?" He ask looking at us "Ok" we all sigh "On three, 1, 2, 3!!" Caleb yells and our loud screaming strains hit the air we all push at the same time, an the car budges. "1, 2, 3!!" Caleb yells an we all push together again, the car continues to budge and the man screams out in pain, "1, 2, 3!!!!" We all yell this time and something happens I see a single sparkle shining in all our pockets. Pink coming from Shelby's pocket, Purple coming from Emma's pocket, red coming from mine, Green coming from Caleb's and blue shinning from Koda's. The car immediately shoots in the air and explodes, the woman runs over to her husband I assume and hugs his neck. As if it where rehearsed we all stand taking our Energems from our pockets and stare at them while they shine in our hands.

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