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Zeke POV

So right now where in class Whoopie, our desk where in rows that where one behind the other but each row got higher and you had to climb stairs to get to each next row. I sat in the front with Noah I don't know why I let him talk me into that, in the row behind me was Caleb and Tyler along with a couple of other students then in the row behind them was Emma and Shelby who had an empty seat next to her because she sat her bags in it they had some other students in there row. The rest of the rows behind them where full with other students. "So Juliet took a potion that would make her appear dead it made her stop breathing, paled her skin, and even her hair" Mrs. Donelltwa says walking around the classroom. "So Romeo who comes completely unaware of the potion finds his seemingly dead but very alive Juliet in a fit of extreme emotion he takes a poisonous potion and drinks it, Juliet wakes up at the last moment but by then it was too late Romeo drinks it and dies" Mrs. Donelltwa says and Shelby and Emma both let out giant gasp, oh here comes the water works, and tissue.

I look but to see Caleb and Tyler playing paper football and Em and Shell where indeed crying, I suck my teeth and turn around God I hate this class, I look over at Noah who's wiping his eye. "Dude!" I smack his shoulder, "Ouch man" Noah whisper yells, "Your actually buying this ?" I ask him squinting my face, "No there was just something in my eye" he lies I just shake my head and face the front and look at the clock we have 30 minutes left ugh. "So Juliet who has now witnessed her lovers suicide, is now on edge she takes her Romeo's gun and turns it on herself pulling the trigger" Mrs. Donelltwa says while Emma and Alexis wipe there faces with tissue. "Oh brother" I mumble. "So Zeke please explain why would Juliet kill herself for a man she loved" Mrs. Donelltwa says looking at me. "Uhhh" I sit up, "I dunno" I say with a shrug. "Miss Watkins how bout you" she ask talking to Emma, she quickly clears her throat. " I think Juliet couldn't see her life without Romeo she had so much going for herself and he had nothing in store without him she had a life unworthy of living" she sniffs, "It was redemption, it was there fates" she finishes. "Ugh! Brilliant" Mrs. Donelltwa says clapling obviously moved, "Which brings me to my next question Tyler" she says grabbing Tyler and Shelby's attention. "Huh" he says, finally something interesting. "I said would you do the same Tyler? " she ask him Tyler tugs on the neck of his shirt, while Shelby waits intently for his answer. "Ummm" Tyler says sweat evades his forehead. "Well" Mrs. Donelltwa rushes, Caleb snickers beside him. "Since you find it so funny Caleb what about you I know there are plenty of girls in this class that would die for you, both of you actually" she says I look up to see Shelby flipping her blonde hair, and furrowing her eyebrows at them both. "Eh-hmm" Emma says clearing her throat. I laugh at the amount of pressure the boys are under. "Watch and learn Noah" I whisper, "I would Mrs. Donelltwa" I say raising my hand her face lights up.

"I mean depending on who she is if she was my lovely Emma then yeah, but if she was Shelby Hell Yeah" I say causing the class to erupt into laughter. "Mr. Meacom your childish humor will not be tolerated, hence I sentence you to detention that will begin immediately after class" she yells. "Yeah show me what not to do" Noah teases, just then we get a knock on the door. "Come in !" Mrs. Donelltwa says the door slides open and my dad and some ugly baldheaded girl is standing at the door. "Dad!" I say, my dads the principle of this school as well as the boss o the museum we work at, but who is she. "Hello Mrs. Donelltwa, can I'm sorry to intrude but may I have my daughters please ?" My dad says. "No sir, your fine Mr. Watkins go ahead girls" Mrs. Donelltwa says dismissing them they both look at eachother begin to walk down the stairs.

Shelby POV

I walk down the stairs passing by my fellow classmates who are looking confused. I roll my eyes I wonder what he wants I'm passing all my classes, barely. Once I make it out the door I see this ugly bald headed girl smiling at us she stood next to my dad. "Uh Hi dad" I say hugging him, "Hey dad" Emma says hugging dad alhe says she could she's almost like a daughter to him.

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