The Pink Ranger and The Frog.

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Space (Alien Airship)☄

"Where is the next ALIEN" Sledge yells in his giant seat at the front of the giant air ship. "Admiral The other aliens have all come down with some type of nasty stomach virus, none of them can even move " Furry explains. "Yeah hunny so how bout you turn that frown upside down and take a day off so we can finally get married" Poisandra beams rubbing Sledge's shoulder. He quickly jumps away from his seat, "No no no Poisandra I told you after we collect the energems then we will get married " he begs "That could take forever Sledgey-Pie lets get married today" she begs. "Not today Poisandra" sledge yells. "Fine!" She pouts taking matters into her own hands. Poisandra comes up with a quick plan she'll create a quick love spell and he'll be dying to marry her. She blows a kiss at sledge creating a giant heart that flies over at him landing on his back. "This spell should make him fall in love with the first person he lays his eyes on" Poisandra says smiling and jumping.

"We're not taking a day off I'm going to earth" Sledge says looking at her then Disappearing from the airship. "What!" Poisandra yells disappointed she runs off and pouts.

Earth 🌎

Shelby POV

"Welcome to Dino Chomp Cafe" I say cheekily at the next customers who walk in side. They give me a big smile before taking there seat Emma instantly walks over to there fable taking their order. I'm in an awesome mood today, I've had these small butterflies in my stomach ever since Tyler grabbed my hand last night, causing me to be in the best mood ever.

I walk to the back where Tyler is Manding the grill. "I need two orders of the terrordactyl  fries and three tricera-burgers" I say "Coming right up" Tyler says flipping three burgers in the air too bad they never come down because all three of them land in Koda's mouth.

"Thanks" Koda says smiling and rubbing his stomach he then grabs  three giant boxes and carries them out the back door. That was Koda's job sense no one here is as strong as him, he carried all the heavy things around here to there locations. Caleb also had that job since he was strong as well, the things he couldn't lift Koda handled them.

"Great! Those were the last burgers" Tyler says "ohh well it's my break" I say " if you want I can go get more " I finish untying my apron, "You sure I don't want you to waste your break I can just call in the order threw your dad" Tyler says washing his hands "Nah it's ok, my dads suppose to be going out of town any minute I'll go" I say hanging my apron on the wall, "Thanks Shelby" Tyler smiles causing me to blush, I smile back before walking out the door. I quickly stop by the lab grabbing my energem and my chargers just incase, I haven't really seen the others today but their energems and Dino chargers sit right in there spots which lets me know there close by. When I enter the room some lady who works here hands me a crown she takes it from the table where hundreds of other crowns like my own sit. "Um thanks" I say walking off.

"No way" I hear Emma gasp. When I walk all the way out the door there's Emma, Caleb, Noah, Tyler and Koda all crowded by some very large box, and giant cutout sign with some cute prince on it.

"Hey Shelby" Koda says waving at me he then bows down. "Koda what are you doing?" I ask bending down and lifting him up from his knees "Your queen you wear crown" he says "No it's fake" I assure "See feel it" I let him touch and he smiles "Speaking of crowns why are they handing them out and what is all this?" I question "Well their handing out crowns because of the Prince Xandar thingy" Emma says  "It's called the Diamond Of Xandar" Caleb says and I instantly space out, "Ok why does this sound like some nerd loser game" I say honestly rolling my eyes Emma giggles stepping forward "It's not a game Shelby" she says running her fingers threw the base of her hair "Xandar was a prince in the eighteenth century he was about eighteen years old he was funny, handsome, and very courageous, but one day he went for a horse ride and never returned" Emma says causing me to yawn "So now we're telling ghost stories" I say causing Noah and Tyler to laugh. "Where was his princess ?" Zeke asks "What ?" everyone ask in unison, "Well you know how the prince always saves the princess when she needs it, how come the princess didn't save him?" Zeke questions leaning against the side of the truck, "Well maybe because it doesn't work like that" Emma says with a confused look on her face. "I wish I'd get rescued by a cute prince" I say biting my lip "You got a prince right here" Zeke flirts with a smirk "I guess he didn't hear the cute part" I say causing the others to laugh.

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