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"HADES!" I roared into the eerily quiet dark castle "PERSEPHONE!!" 

I hastened my steps through the Castle, my emotions warring inside of me to the point that every step I took resulted in flames rearing up and licking both the floor and walls around me. 

Wild vines slithered down from the ceiling, their edges bursting into flames as I by passed them. 

With a flick of my wrist, I threw Hades office door open. 

I scanned my eyes around his office but the ruthless God wasn't in here. 

In fact, he and Persephone were nowhere to be found. 

My roar of anger and pain was too loud for them to ignore. 

I put a hand to the wall and clenched my fist, watching as Hell's Nightshade emerge from within its closed depths. 

"Find Hades and Persephone" I hissed as more Nightshade emerged from my fist "I don't care how you do it or if they're busy. I want then brought to me immediately." 

The Nightshade engulfed the whole office and spread throughout the castle, going from one corner to next and then from room to room. 

When the different branches of Nightshade congregated and tried to access a familiar area of the Castle, I knew that they found the missing Monarchs. 

I entered Persephone's garden and paused at the scene in front of me. 

To say that it was in disarray was an understatement. 

It was utterly and entirely destroyed. 

All of Persephone's flowers were burnt to a crisp, residual blue flames lingering on the more durable and fire-resistant plants. 

Her garden of newly blooming Lotus flowers were dug up and missing, and the special dirt that they cultivated in was completely ruined and posioned. 

The whole garden which was once peaceful and bright was now dark and gloomy. 

How Ironic. 

I walked deeper into the garden and from the corner of my eye, I noticed something hanging from the top of Persephone's Japanese Maple tree. 

I made my way toward the tree and paused underneath it, trying to get a better look at what was suspended in the branches.

The trunk, which was once healthy and strong, was now decaying and paper thin and looked like it was ten seconds away from disintegrating into dust. 

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