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I grabbed Xenos wrist and started as the tattoo on his forearm began to change. 

It went from three little markings to a whole scene of lines, dashes, whirls, and slants of a unique pattern I've literally never seen before. 

Ethan lifted his own arm in horror, sitting up and staring down as his own brand started to formulate. 

Xenos ripped his arm out of my grasp and poked at his skin "This was so not the way I wanted to get my first tattoo." 

He pouted. 

I reluctantly stalked back to my room and grabbed all the books I had regarding brands and tattoos. 

When I got back into the room, Xenos admiring his new ink while Ethan sat on the couch, his whole face whiter than I've seen it before. 

"What do you think this means Zeph?" Xenos asked, popping a lollipop in his mouth "Is this another clue from Daddy Dearest? Or Poseidon?"

"It's from neither" Ethan whispered from where he sat on the couch "It's the Mark of the Protector's." 

I snapped my head towards him "What?" 

"I haven't seen this mark in almost twenty years" He swallowed thickly "Not since it disappeared when I died."

Xenos looked between us, curiosity peaking from his grey orbs "And this Mark is...?" 

"I thought the Marks were only for the Protectors of the Wolf Queen?" I shot at him "What the hell are they doing on you two twits?"

"It is the Mark for the Wolf Queen" he said suddenly green "And I don't know why it reappeared." 

Xenos crunched on his lollipop and held his hand out to me "Give me that book. The one with the Moon Crescent." 

I threw the book at him and he caught it with an oomph and shot me a glare. 

He flipped through a few pages and scanned its contents before turning it around for me to see. 

On the page were two Moons, one at the top and the other at the bottom, an exact inverse of images. 

They were exactly the same except of the coloring, the one at the top of the page was more of a translucent white color whereas the one at the bottom was purely Onyx in color. 

"I was dating these fraternal twins a couple years ago" he said, turning the book around and flipping through more pages "They came from a Tribe of a long line Wolves. The twins weren't wolves themselves but they sure had an animal in them, if you know what I mean...especially my Samuel..." 

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