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I looked over my shoulder one last time before tugging my jacket closer to my body, cutting across the back alley that took me straight into my Pack territory.

After escaping the club I quickly tossed my remaining shoe in the opposite direction of where I was now, in case those idiots used my own Uncle to track me down.

Because they would.

And when they did, I wanted to be as far away from them as possible.

I let out a loud breath and clouds started gathering overhead.

I was angry.

Not only because my Uncle decided to team up with the asshole who killed his niece, my best friend, but also because I had to throw away one of the last remaining objects I had left to remember her with.

"They're just shoes AJ" Serenity said in exhaustion as she laid back on my bed "Buy them if you want to."

"I can't" I whined "I made a promise to myself that I would cut back on my spending."

"You hardly spend any money" She gave me a droll look "And the money that you do spend usually goes to your charities."

I avoided her eyes "I spend money."

"If you spend money..." She let out a snicker "Than I'm a shopaholic."

I hit her with my pillow and sighed down at my laptop "Maybe I'll get them when they go on sale."

"They'll never go on sale" she plucked the laptop out of my lap and gazed down at the screen "With this brand? And this price?"

I stole my laptop back from her "A girl can dream, can't she?"

"Where would you even wear them too?" she questioned "Heels are a pain in the ass. They give you blisters and make you want to chop off your own feet at the end of the night."

"A girl should always have one pair of killer heels" I said, quoting my favorite line from one of my movies "Heels that remind you that Queens stand tall and hold their heads high."

"And you think that these heels would do that for you? You think that they'll make you feel like a Queen?"

"Yes" I sighed wistfully "Maybe..."

One Week Later

"AJ you got a package!" my brother yelled from the front porch "A package that needed a signature!"

I got up from my perch on the couch and walked curiously to my brother, who was currently rattling said package against his ear.

I snatched the package out of his hands.

"Does the package have your name on it?"

"It has my last name on it" he said reaching for it "And that counts for something."

I kicked him in the shin "This is mine. Not yours."

He stopped reaching for the package, letting out a yelp, and pouted down at me "That's not fair."

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