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"My cousin's alive?" I growled at the two idiots in front of me who were staring back at me like a couple of deer in headlights "And you left that particular tidbit out because...?"  

I picked up another rock and threw it at their heads, wishing for it to somehow magically hit them both simultaneously. 

Xenos started forward with his hands outstretched in a peaceful gesture but then stopped abruptly when I snarled at his approaching form. 


I ignored him and looked to the head Asshat "There's a chance that she's still alive and you didn't even think to mention it to us?" 

He looked at me impassively, his face as hard a stone "What would be the point in telling you something that I'm not even entirely sure of myself?" 

"The point is that not only would we be more willing to help you" I started with a small growl "But that we also could have started months ago! We could have saved her sooner!"

"We don't even know if there is anything left of her to save" Zephyr snarled at me "For all I know, she could be worm food. It's been nine months." 

I flinched at his statement, the little hope in my heart shriveling up at his callous words. 

"You would be able to feel it if she moved on." 

He just stared at me, remaining silent.  

His cousin cleared his throat, drawing my attention back to him. 

"Unfortunately, that isn't true in Zephyr's case" Xenos chimed in "Zephyr can't feel the same things that normal mates should feel when they are separated from each other." 

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion "You're telling me he's not her Mate?" 

Zephyr let out a ferocious growl at my statement, which had Xenos chuckling uncomfortably. 

"He's definitely her Mate" Xenos said quickly, glancing at his cousin's scowl "But apparently the whole reason Zephyr and Serenity were traveling to the Underworld in the first place was to retrieve their suppressed Bond." 

"Your bond was suppressed?" my gazed snapped to Zephyr's "Is that true?"  

His jaw clenched as he gave me a choppy nod, ripping his gaze away from mine to glare at the tree in front of him. 

"How is that possible?" 

"Hades" Xenos said simply "Hades did something to suppress their bond when he was a young child.".\ 

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