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My whole body heaved up and down, my lungs burning from both the exertion and lack of oxygen they've receive from Ethan's physical blows.

He gazed up at me in barely contained surprise "You missed?"

"Consider yourself lucky" I stood and gather my tools, bloodied and all, and opened a portal for myself "You might not be so next time."

"Zephyr..." he stood up cautiously, keeping his eyes on me the whole time, like I might attack him again if he didn't "Why did you send for me?"

"Not this again."

"Yes this again" he grabbed my bloody arm and I hissed, yanking it out of his grasp "You need to send me home."

"I didn't even send for you" I snarled "And trust me, since the moment those words came out of your mouth, I've been trying to send you home. A million fucking times."

I made a move towards the portal when something caught my eye.

I grabbed his arm and lifted up his sleeve.

He tried to yank it out of my grasp but I held on strong.

"Stop squirming" I growled at him "I'm trying to read this."

"Read what?"

I ignored his question and looked at the vaguely familiar design on his inner forearm.

"Where did you get this?" I asked as the number three in the Greek "γ" popped up.

"Get what?" he yanked again and I let go willingly.

"The tattoo?"

"What tattoo?"

"The one on your forearm" I said "The one with the number three in the boxes."

He looked down at his forearm and lifted his eyes back up at me "I don't see anything."

"It's right there" I pointed to where the design, an intricate box, lay tattooed into his skin "Can't you see it?"


"Shit" I pinched the bridge of my nose and, in a split second bout of insanity, I grabbed his arm and threw him into the portal.

He landed on my floor with a grunt.

"Thanks for that" he said, his face still planted onto the floor "Would have it killed you to have warned me next time?"

"Yes" I deadpanned, going to my basement door and throwing my fun bag down the stairs.

It landed with a satisfying thump and I turned back to the thorn in my side just as he started to get up.

He took in my sanctuary silently, curiosity peaking behind the depths of his green eyes.

"If you touch anything, I'll kill you" I said, pausing briefly to amend my statement "Again."

He rolled his eyes "Nice place you have."

I grunted.

"Who would have thought your house would be so homey" he hummed "I thought your new aesthetic would have a more... murdery psycho killer vibe."

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