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"What the hell did you do?" I snarled as I watched my cousin flash in with an unconscious Alessia in his arms "Did you fry her?"

Ethan pushed off the wall he was leaning against "You electrocuted my niece?!"

"I had too" Xenos gritted out through his teeth "She was about to alert her whole pack."

"And your last resort was to electrocute her?" Ethan growled.

"I tried talking to her" Xenos growled back, tightening his hold on the girl "But she wouldn't listen to reason. A common theme I've noticed around here."

Xenos eyes flashed towards mine "Where do I put her?"

I nodded for him to follow me and motioned towards the extra guestroom I had in my safe house.

The secret one tucked right behind my bookcase at the end of the hall.

Xenos scowled as he walked past me "You had another bedroom in this place? What was the point of making us share a couch if you had a guest room!"

I couldn't contain my smirk "Oops...must have slipped my mind."

"My fist is about to slip your mind..." He snarled at me as he passed, gently depositing Alessia on the bed.

He made sure to secure the soft covers up all the way up to her chin before draping his fur coat over her body.

He gazed down at her for a few seconds to long for my liking before straightening his body and storming out of the room.

I watched the entire scene with piqued interest, wondering what must have happened in the little time that these two were alone together to make my usually aloof cousin act so...nurturing.

Something he damn sure didn't get from either side of his family. 

As I made my way into the small hallway, ready to walk back into the living room and ice my aching eye, Xenos gripped my shoulder and pulled me back.

"We have a problem here cousin." he hissed, dragging me to the opposite end of the hallway, away from both Uncle and niece.

"Of course we do" I grumbled, running a hand through my hair "Because nothing we do can ever be easy for once. Go on, out with it."

He stared at me for a few seconds, decisiveness weighing in his eyes.

"When I touched her..." he said slowly "I...felt...something"

I stared at him blankly and in a wary tone, I asked "Like...in your pants?"

"What?!" he looked at me in horror "NO! WHAT! NOT LIKE THAT!"

I released the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

I shuddered to think what he would have said if his answer was 'Yes'.

"No" he sighed, rubbing his temples "I felt something else. Something more visceral. Something...unexpected."

I stared at him and he just stared back.

I snorted after a few moments, finally catching on to what he was trying to vocalize to me without actually saying it.

"If you want to get in her pants, I suggest you do that after she's of no use to us anymore" I clapped his shoulder "Or else things are going to get real awkward around here, something I much rather us avoid until she's gone."

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