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Her door swung opened before I even got the chance to knock.

"So do you accept?" she asked, her eyes bright and excited, as she led me into her room"I take it you're not here just because you wanted to see me."

"We see each other enough as it is" I scoffed, tears welling in my eyes "I can't imagine spending anymore time with that dog face of yours."

She pinched my side "You wish you had this face."

I rolled my eyes, slapping her hands away "A bulldog face like that would really mess with my aesthetic."

She snorted out a laugh "Still cuter than your doberman pincher snout."

I chuckled and then tackled her into a hug.

"I accept" I murmured into her shoulder "But I still think you could have done better."

She squeezed me tightly before slapping the back of my head.

I jerked away from her, rubbing my head.

"What the hell was that for?"

"Who could possibly be better than you as my Beta?" she questioned.

"EJ, for a start" I said "Or your brother."

You know Tris is doing that whole backpacking through Europe thing before college" she laughed "Plus you know how stressed he gets when he's put into a position of power. Being my Beta would put him into permanent 'Deer in Headlights' mode. He'd break out in hives before the day would be finished."

"I know" I laughed at the image of Sin's brother trying to handle the day-to-day operations of Pack Life responsibilities.

It's not that he didn't care about his people or disliked to do things for the good of the Pack, he did, it's just... he wasn't cut out for the role of Leadership like Sin was.

Something he fully admitted to anyone who asked why he wasn't the one who was chosen as the next in line Alpha, even though he was a son and the first born.

He enjoyed his Shifter abilities and loved his Pack with his whole heart but everyone with eyeballs could see that he enjoyed being among the Humans (and his human form) a tad bit more.

Which wasn't a bad thing...just something my Uncle Kaden had to consider and take into account when choosing his Successor.

While Tristan was mama's boy , Sin was a daddy's girl through and through.

She embraced our culture more than anyone in our Pack, always studying our history and tracing back our lineage to the very beginning of time. She'd find new ways to improve our pack and even spoke out for those who were too afraid to speak for themselves.

A total opposite of who I was and my own leadership skills.

Skills that only seemed to manifest only during my Debate meetings or in Decathlon tournaments.

Two occasions that brought out my competitive side and forced me to make sure my thoughts were heard.

"My brother's the extrovert one" I said softly, reminding her of EJ's important assets "I can barely string two words together when talking to someone of the opposite sex."

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