T W E N T Y - S E V EN

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I plopped down on the arm chair with sigh, grasping at my temples as I watched the old man pace in front of me, his face redder than a ripe tomato. 

"Alright," I grumbled at Ethan "Let me have it. I can practically hear your thoughts from over here." 

"I don't even know where to begin!" he snarled, his eyes flashing in anger as his wolf reared forward "How did this...When did this...Why?!" 

"You know the how" I sent him a pointed look "As for the when, I honestly don't know exactly when they felt the bond but I do have my suspicions that it must have happened the night he collected her from the club. And as for the why, I think they only the Fates know why they were Mated together." 


"Watch your mouth" I growled out, my eyes narrowing as I rose from my seat "We didn't ask for this." 

"Well you sure as shit didn't try to stop it either!" he barked, pointing to where my cousin and his niece were currently sleeping in one of the back rooms "Whose next? My sister? My brother's wife? My nephews future daughter?!" 

"You know as well as I do that we can't control who we're Mated too" I shot him a look "Or have you forgotten?" 

He deflated a little, his anger leaving him fractionally, knowing that what I was saying was the truth. 

"My brother already lost his daughter" he whispered "I can't have my sister lose hers too. She's already lost too much." 

"Don't worry about that" I said, letting out a bitter laugh "As you can see, my cousin is clearly a better protector than I ever was." 

His eyes softened "It wasn't your..." 

I held up my hand, not willing to hear his spiel about it not being my fault his niece was "dead." 

"It was my fault though" I said through gritted teeth "She counted on me to protect her and I failed. I couldn't even recognize the fiendish signs coming from my own brother even when he was doing them right under my nose." 

He remained quiet, not really having anything to add to my self-destructive pity party of one. 

"And because I was unable to recognize the signs in time, my Mate is dead, my psychotic brother is on the loose with his deranged witch of a girlfriend, and my parents are on the brink of death in a way where no other God or Goddess has ever seen before" I sat back down, rubbing at my temples once again as a faint throb started behind my eyes "And on top of that, I'm on a wild goose chase with my Mate's dead Uncle, my delinquent cousin, and his bull-headed Mate looking for something I'm not even sure is capable of solving my problems." 

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