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"The Occult?" I tapped the Cherry flavored lollipop against my white teeth "I've never heard of that club before. It must be new considering that I've been to all types of clubs in my lifetime here on Earth."

Zephyr shot me a dirty look and threw his phone on the table.

"Apparently from what little I could gather, the Occult is a type of club meant for Supernatural beings."

"It actually says all that on a Website?" Ethan questioned, reaching for the phone "Wow...how times have changed."

This time the dirty look Zephyr shot was aimed at Ethan instead of me.

I snickered underneath my breath.

"I read between the lines Dumbass" he barked "You'd have to be dumb to not pick up on that."

Ethan scanned the phone for a few minutes before passing it to me, pinching his eyes between his thumb and forefinger "I'm not seeing the connection here."

I scanned the phone and smiled at the Website flyer's contents.

"You're not seeing the connection here because you're reading the words, not looking at the symbols" I pointed them out to Ethan "The Cycles of the Moon are for the Shifters, the Sun being enveloped by the Crescent Moon is for the Vampires, the Triquetra is for the Witches, the Elemental Flower is for the Fae, and...huh...I've never seen that one before?"

I zoomed in on the flyer and when my mind couldn't come up with anything, I passed the phone back towards my cousin.

"Have you seen this symbol before?"

I pointed towards the intricate looking box that had Seven unique carvings engraved into them. I tried to make out the more finer details of the carvings but the picture was just too grainy for me to analyze.

"No" he said gruffly after a few minutes "But I'm willing to bet that someone at that Club will."

I crunched my lollipop and pulled out three pixy stixs, dumping all the contents in my mouth.

I licked my lips and sighed, leaning back into my seat.

"So when are we going?" I asked.

"Who said we're going?" Zephyr asked, snatching back his phone "One tiny girl can't be that much trouble."

Ethan snorted from his seat.

"What?" Zephyr's eyes shot bullets at Ethan "What was that snort for?"

"Nothing" Ethan smirked, leaning back in his chair "Absolutely nothing."

"That was not nothing" my cousin barked "Now tell me what it is!"

"Was Serenity trouble?"

"What?" Zephyr tensed.

"Was my niece, your Mate, a perfect angel the whole time you two spent in the Underworld? Can you honestly claim that she listened to every.single.thing. you said?" he snickered as Zephyr's faced morphed from an angry expression to one of reflection "And by the expression on your face, I know that you know first hand exactly how much of a handful the women in my family can be."

I laid my head in my hand as I leaned on top of the table, smiling at my cousin "So...what time are we leaving?"


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