T H I R T Y - F I V E

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I watched as the man begged from his life in front of Zephyr, both hands clasped tightly in one another as he pleaded for what I knew was a lost cause. 

Zephyr wouldn't let this man live...

He never let anyone of them live...

This man was part of a third group of Cerberus' disciples that were hunting us and while these one's didn't wield that weird blue fire that could maim or kill Demi-gods, they did carry these big ass machetes that could poison you instantly if it came into contact with your skin. 

As we found out when my niece redirected an attack onto the idiot that snuck up behind her. 

The look of shock on her face when the man screeched in pain before turning a sickening bluish purple color and crumping to ash. 

My chest tightened at the thought of almost losing my niece, at having to face my twin and tell her that I couldn't protect her daughter and failed her just like I failed our big brother. 

"Please," the man cried "I have a..." 

Before he could finish that sentence, Zephyr snapped his neck. 

"So fucking pathetic" he muttered to himself, turning in a way which the bright fluorescent lights highlighted his dark crimson eyes. 

Eyes that were violet almost a year ago.

"Can we leave now?" Xenos asked "The longer we stay here, the more time we're giving Cerberus to send another team. I don't know about you but I don't think I can handle forty more assailants gunning for me or Alessia." 

"I can handle myself" My niece snapped at him "Just worry about yourself and those sad excuses you call counter attacks." 

I tilted my head at the anger and frustration in her tone, noting how these two haven't acted the same way towards each other ever since their little walk in the woods a few days ago. 

"He's close" Zephyr said, a dangerous glint entering his eyes "Why do you think he's sending so many of them after us so fast? We've got him cornered." 

"We're running on fumes Zephyr" Xenos snapped "And as powerful as we are Zephyr, even our bodies can't handle another onslaught of fresh faced fighters." 

"No one's holding you captive Xenos" Zephyr said in that annoyingly monotone voice of his "You can leave whenever you like." 

My niece's mouth dropped open "You're holding us captive you dick!" 

"You know why we can't leave Zephyr" Xenos said through gritted teeth, holding out his arm and emphasizing the tattoo we all share "In case you didn't remember, we're all linked together. I can't go more than a few hours without fucking thing burning my veins and dragging me back to you." 

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