T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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"You know, when you talked about such an exclusive bar, this is not what I had envisioned" Xenos cocked his head to the side "This place looks like a dump." 

"The real estate it's on though isn't" Zephyr mumbled "It's easily worth two million dollars." 

My eyes widened as I glanced at the simple structure with a new perspective. 

While it was the most frumpiest building in the area, far less chic than its neighbors, but what it lacked in style, it made up for tenfold in character. 

I took a step forward, curious to see if the inside decor matched the exterior, when a familiar arm wound its way across my waist and banded me back against a hard body. 

"Where do you think you're going Lemon Drop?" Xenos purred in my ear, making me turn my head fractionally to stare up at him. 

His face was so close, our lips brushed gently against each other, which had him sucking in a sharp breath. 

"If you two are done gazing lovingly into each others eyes, like a bunch of sad sapped fools, I would very much like to get this over with" Zephyr said, annoyance lacing his tone "Because if I stay out here any longer, I may lose my dinner." 

Without releasing his gaze from mine, Xenos lifted up his hand and gave his cousin the middle finger salute. 

"I agree with GQ on this" My Uncle muttered, rubbing his stomach as if it was upset by the mere imagery of Zephyr's words "If I watch pretty boy try to woo you, I think I'll be sick." 

I rolled my eyes at his antics "And to think, Mom used to call you a ladies man." 

His gasp of outrage had a grin pulling at my face as I disengaged Xenos' arms from around my waist. 

His choked little sound of outrage made my grin widen even further as I strode towards the Bars door. 

When I swung open the door, I was pleasantly surprised at the warm ambience that the inside of the bar emitted. 

It was...magical to say the least. 

A shifters dream bar. 

The whole vibe of the bar looked like it was something right out of a forest, the ceiling twinkling with small lights that made it look like the night sky. 

"It's like a fucking forest in here" Zephyr grumbled from my right just as Xenos appear on my left "How can anyone find this shit peaceful? It feels like branches are attacking me." 

"It's peaceful in here" I took a deep breath, noting the hints of gardenia mingled with the sweet scents of some alcoholic mixed drinks "Feels like home." 

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