A Good Start but a Bad End?

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"Lets go shopping" and this brilliant idea came from none other than Rose. I just continued with icing the cupcakes. 

"Please Tia, don't ignore me like that...I know you can hear me and are avoiding my suggestions. But we need to get you something to wear. Do you know where you will be going? Like a formal  dinner or just a picnic in a park....anything?"

"No Rose, I don't know anything. In fact I have not received any call or message or any other form of contact from Adrian. May I get back to my work, now?"

"How can he do that? How? Does he want threats or is he just faking his interest? Is he lying?"

"Oh My God...Rose, don't you have a job? Even I am not hyperventilating like you are and it is me who is going on the date. I have a better idea....why don't you find a guy whose head you can eat?"

"Uhh..you are so boring. I wish I had someone interesting to talk to!!"

"Well well well, you wished and here I am!! 

 Suddenly I saw Lucas sit beside Rose. Involuntarily, I peeked around him to see if Adrian was behind him but I could see no one. Suddenly I felt a hand sneaking around my waist and pull me back. 

"Good morning, Mon Amour. I think that you are looking for me....well here I am" Adrian whispered in my ears and kissed my lobe.

"You guys are so cute!! So cute that I just want to throw up. Show some manners...you are in a public place, isn't that so Darling?" Lucas smiled at Rose and went to touch her hand. Uh oh, wrong move, Lucas.

"Fuck off!! and dare touch me, I swear I will break off your hand and put it in a place where it will be difficult for you to remove"

"Ouch, you hurt me with your words. May I know your name?"

"Seriously Lucas, move away. She is Rose and is Tia's best friend. Looking at her face, she will do what she just said"

"Huh! More like a thorn, it seems. Well I won't disturb you any longer, dear Thorn. I am off, dude. Have some work at the office." Saying this, he went out whistling.

"Well, Tia, I will be off as well. I am already late to work. You guys carry on and remember, we are going in the evening, ok?" and she left. Did no one notice HIS arm around me? Why did no one say anything?

"I can feel your heart beats getting faster. Am I making you nervous, Love? I missed you a lot, I wish Saturday would come faster and we could go out sooner. Then we will not have anyone between us." He brought me closer and started placing small kisses on the side of my neck. 

I had a hard time focusing on my words, even I could hear my beats within me. "Uh...Adrian, well..wait...listen, I want to ask you something. How...I mean where are we going?" Saying this, I turned around but he did not loosen his hold.

" We could go to my home if you want and try to have a different sort of dessert" he winked at me. I knew he was kidding but still I could feel myself blushing. " I am just kidding, we will be going to a beautiful place where you can carry your heels and wear shoes for the first half of the trip as I will be picking you up early in the morning."

Yeah, that gives me a huge lot of information. Anyways, at least now I know what to wear and what not to. 

"Well, I will be off now, Love. Can I go into the back area and have something to eat?" I just nodded at him and continued the icing on my cupcakes and thinking about what I will be wearing. I may have to go on that shopping trip with Rose.

Suddenly I heard Adrian shouting from the back and I dropped everything and ran towards the room. All my baking supplies were kept there. I was imagining the worst situations ever. As soon as I entered the room, I felt myself being pulled to the side and the door close behind me.

"I knew the only way to get you here was to fake an accident." For few minutes, all I could feel was my anxiety rushing through me. Then when I finally absorbed his words, I shouted,

" You asshole, you big jackass...how could you do that? Did you not remember that I am pregnant or that you should not give me heart attacks like that?" And I punched him with every word of mine, for him to remember. 

"Ow..ow..ow...sorry sorry, I forgot. Sorry Love, really. Listen..hey just listen.." saying this he caught hold of my hands and pinned them on the wall. He put his lips on me and kissed me with all the feeling I think that he could muster. It took me few seconds to respond back but my body had a strong reaction to him. I caught him by the collars and pulled him towards myself. Suddenly his leg was between mine and he tightened his hold on me. His hands travelled to from my sides to the  top and I could feel myself molding to this hands. His lips moved to the side of my neck and damn....was that erotic! he nipped a little and the pain was just the icing. His hands slipped under my shirt and before he could do anything, Lills shouted from outside.

"Hey Tia, are you there?", hearing her voice brought me back to reality. I pulled away from him and we were both breathing hard. 

"He..eey Lills, I am coming right out. Please give me some time. I have a..a..thing to do!"

"Ohk....I think Adrian is there with you though, so I am not coming in. But remember, use protection! shit...I forgot, he can't get you anymore pregnant!! " and she laughed while going away. She was having way more fun than she was supposed to but she was right though. Still....no protection required right now.

"I should get moving, but you sure can kiss. I would love to do this more on our date."

"In your dreams....let us see how that goes. Now get going as I have work to do." I pushed him out the door and he went away smiling. I put myself together and rushed back to the counter. I saw Adrian leaving and he turned back to wink at me. I smiled involuntarily and was just thinking that it would be great if the day goes like this...but I thought too soon. 

Suddenly the door opened and I saw someone enter while glaring straight at me. Someone who had the capacity to spoil my good mood and rethink on whatever happened. That someone was none other than Luna!!

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