First Attempt

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This a first for me... a fast update!! anyways, this is mainly a filler chapter, with the main action starting next.The pic above is how I imagine Rose. you go, Enjoy!!

"Are you ready? We will start the procedure when you are comfortable", that was really hilarious, and how can the idea of injecting a needle make me comfortable, when I am phobic to it?

"Yup, I am absolutely comfortable...please start the process", and after an hour, it was over. Now I just had to wait and see if the fertilization takes place or not. I will know it in 2 weeks, if the test results are positive. It will be hell to wait for two weeks but if the outcome is good then it will be worth the wait.

2 weeks later:-

" Tia, just pee on the damn stick already, it's been an hour since you have been staring at the stick, which by the way I had to buy because you were just too damn scared to buy it yourself!! How the hell do you buy your sanitary napkins?"

"Hey, that's different! Buying a sanitary napkin proves that I am not pregnant but buying a pregnancy kit does the total opposite."

"Do you really think that the person sitting behind the counter really gives a damn about what is happening in your life? Believe me, their life is much more happening!!"

"Can we please concentrate on the problem at hand? How do I do IT?"

"OK....I will just go through the entire procedure. Go to the bathroom, pull up your dress, then pull down your underwear, then you will feel a pressure on your bladder because of the gallons of water that you have drank in the past hour and then..." I interrupted her insane instructions with a shout.

"SHUT UP ROSE!! What the hell are you saying? I know what to do!!"

"Then do it already!! Just go now please or we will be waiting here for another 5 hours", saying this she pushed me towards the bathroom after shoving the 4 kits into my hand. I knew that I had no choice, other than to do it now. I really don't know why I am so nervous; it was my decision to get pregnant. I quickly did the whole thing and kept the kits on the counter and ran out. Now to wait for 2 minutes for the results.

"Did you do it?"

"Yeah....2 more minutes, but hey can I ask you for a favor?"

"I know... you want me to check the results, isn't it?", and her eyebrows rose in that famous mocking expression of hers.

"How did you know....and yeah that's what I want...please rose...please do it for me!!,"saying this, I joined my hands for extra measure with a pleading look.

"Ok...ok...I will do it, now just relax, one more minute to go and we will know."

" what do you want to do for one minute?"

"Let's see....hey did you hear about the new building that's coming up right next to your cafe?", and she sat down beside me with a small smile on my face that actually showed that this was going to take a while.

"Rose, I work's my cafe, so I am pretty sure that I would know about the happenings in the neighborhood. And moreover, it's not coming up, it's already done. It's going to start officially in a week. That's going to be the new main head office of Stavros Heights."

"Wow, you know a lot about the new building," she seemed pretty impressed. That's Rose for you, being updated impresses her, maybe it was her job; being an editor she has to be updated on things.

"Yeah well, you know how Lilly is, gossips are her hobby; and according to her the construction workers are 'pretty hot' , so she goes out to chat them up during her break and brings back the important news."

"Do you know who owns the business?"

"Yeah, something Stavros, I think?" I smirked at her, feeling proud at my own smartness.

"Smart-ass....well I think it's already been 3 minutes and we have yet to see the results. So, here I go and you", she pointed at me, "wait here, got it?"

In a second she was back with all the tests, with wide eyes but a blank expression, which made me unable to guess the results. "What is it?? Tell me...please...I don't think I can handle anymore suspense."

"It's got it in the first, you got some eagerly waiting eggs..... YOU ARE PREGNANT!!!!" saying this she jumped at me with a hug......and I was still shocked.

I was pregnant....I was finally pregnant....I was going to have a own I just had to hide this news from my parents!!

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