A Chance!!

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Hey peeps!! Thank you so much for helping me cross 500 votes .......This year start was stressful and thus, I couldn't upload sooner. Here is a small chapter and pretty soon, this book is gonna end.

A question for you : Do you all ever feel that it's too much and wanna run away? Are we only existing to survive?

Is Survival the ultimate way of life?

Happy Reading!!


My hand stung but that redness on his cheek satisfied me. "You are an asshole for even asking me this. I am not having this baby WITH him. I am pregnant by my own choice. It is my call and his to decide with whom he wants to be involved. This is me, here at my parents' home, telling you to fcuk off and never show your face again."

"Tia, you are making a big mistake leaving like this. You are gonna regret this decision of yours"

"Noah, first, learn to accept rejection nicely. We are not breaking up and I never gave you false hope that we will ever get back together. You are making a big mistake by spoiling whatever chances of friendship we ever had. Whatever happens between me and Adrian is none of your concern and you better remember that."

Saying this, I ran inside, because, even though I acted that the news did not affect me, it did. I was feeling weak inside and I hated this. I tried so hard not to get my hopes up with Adrian but i somewhat failed. I needed to keep my head straight and move forward. He was just a temporary addition in my life and he was now gone. At the first sight of a problem, he was gone. I could not stay here....I had to go back to my place and distract myself. I ran to my Dad because I knew that he would understand.

" Papa, I have to leave and go back urgently. There is a sudden order and Lily won't be able to handle it alone." Weirdly, he just looked at me and stayed silent. Its as if, he knew. He knew there was something going on with me and he was trying to understand. He shook his head slightly and then hugged me tightly.

" Tia, if there is anything....anything, ok..just call me. Maybe i won't approve of your choices, I am always there for you to help. Ok? Now you go and call me once you reach"

"Thanks Dad...I will rush now. Please tell Ma...I won't be able to handle her questions right now."

" Ok..I will handle her. You take your brother with you.....he will drop you home. Jaaay...where are you?" Before i could stop him, he had already called him. Jay apparated instantly beside me. He suddenly appeared to be much more nicer. This was a good but a weird change.

"Lets go Didi....I will drop you since you don't have your car. Give me a min and meet me at the front". I went upstairs and packed and silently left from the back door. Jay was already waiting for me. We took off and for the next hour of the ride, we stayed silent, lost in our thoughts. I could feel that he had thousands of questions for me but he did not know here to start.

"Jay, I know you got lots of questions but still......it was my decision. Adrian was a surprise and he was not supposed to know anything. You don't have to worry about me. I will take care of everything and I have planned for the future as well."

"You know, that is your problem. You think you are a super independent woman who can handle everything. Planning doesn't make the future predictable. You spent your life pleasing others and doing what they expected you to do and when you plan to revolt, you mess up even more. You could have easily found a guy and go about it the natural way....but no....you mess up even more. What do you think is gonna happen? Who will take care of the baby if you are busy? You are planning to expand the business and this as well. When will you start operating your brain at its full capacity?"

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