A Little Warmth

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The next morning brought a very new feeling of warmth.......and the feeling of someone being there with me. This shocked me up from sleep altogether. I could feel him... obviously I could because he was all over me. I pushed him away from me....but I may have pushed him a little too hard because he rolled right out of the bed.

"Ouch....oh my God!! What the fuck!!"

"Next time you sleep in your own bed!!"

"Seriously, this is how you repay me?"

"Repay you? Really...repay you?? All that happened yesterday was because of you...you came into my life and just about unsettled every single thing"

"Hey...I am just trying to help you. I know it seems difficult but I really wanna be in my baby's life"

"Don't... don't say your baby....its not yours. It's mine and mine only"

"Really, I am not in the mood to argue with you so early in the morning without even having my coffee. I am going to make myself one, do you need anything....Maybe something to cool down that hot head of yours?"

" A pot of hot water poured down your head would be a good idea"

"Damn woman, is pain your thing? Do you get aroused by torturing?"

"Shut up...just shut up and get lost"

"Hey calm down... You are reacting as if you are a virgin and we slept together, like not the sleep sleep but sleep. "

" Shut up......just shut up.....Do you ever shut up? " It hit a little close to truth.

" Woah!! Do the hormones start working this early? Or are you crazy in this case too?"

I sat there dumb because I was not able to find words to describe or say to this man. Did he even hear me? It was like I keep talking and he just keeps on aggravating me. Since the first moment that we had met, this guy has shown an unbelievable talent to turn my world upside down with his antics. He knows what will irritate me and he will do the same. Unbelievable!!

Suddenly I felt a pair of lips on my forehead which startled me from my thoughts. Before I could say or do anything, I felt a pair of arms slipping around me, pulling me towards warmth and....I slipped...again, and wordlessly  sank into his arms. Understanding the silence and my need, he tightened and pulled me closer and the scent of his body gave me comfort. It felt safe and like home. I did not resist when he put ran his fingers through my hair slowly and gently rubbed across my ears. Unknowingly, I started rubbing my face across his chest and that felt so good that I forgot whose it was . 

Next I felt his lips on my forehead, and I leaned into it, the feeling so soft and warm. He started to lightly rub them across my forehead and his hands moved and his thumb stroke along my lips, his breathe hot on my face. I moved my head back and looked straight into his eyes. The feelings that were reflected deep in them scared me. The intensity and their brightness scared me. It scared so  much that I pushed him back in response and the trance broke.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Ummm....I am sorry, that was pushing it a little forward, wasn't it?"

"Pushing what a little forward? There's nothing going on, ok? This entire moment was a mistake, alright?"

"Okk......now what?"

"Now you will get out of that door and go back to wherever you came from, ok?"

After this statement, weirdly enough he continued staring at me for few moments and then he got up silently, collected his blazer and walked straight out the door.

After his adrupt move, my shock made me sit still on my bed. I got up and followed him to the door to see if he actually left. I saw him closing the front door and leaving without a word. I couldn't believe my eyes. After all that fight, all that I had to do was ask him..... for like the hundredth time?   

I went to lock the door, after taking a deep breadth of relief. I was free of the headache at last.

I could finally think about what to do about my situation. Firstly, I had to confront the clinic and if required, file a case against them. I had somewhere around half an hour to freshen up and leave for my cafe. 

In record time, I got ready and decided to have my breakfast down there. Checking to see if I had taken my things, I opened my door, to see him standing right in front of me. He had his hand in the air as if he was going to knock. Again I was stunned into silence. This ......man....this.....I had no words

" What are you doing here " , I could feel my voice getting shriller by the second.

" Amore, we have a lot to talk about. So I decided that we are going out for breakfast and then we will be spending the entire day together getting to know each other" , saying this the smile he gave was one of acknowledgement that stated that he knew what he was doing.

" I am not going anywhere with you and that's it. You can't make me go forcefully. I WILL NOT GO" , I could feel my blood pressure rise by the end of my statement. Next what happened shocked me to the extent that I couldn't believe my eyes and the only thing that I could feel was that of confusion and .... confusion.

He pulled me towards himself, took my face in his hands, kissed my forehead and then picked me up bridal style and silently moved towards his car.

And me being me... silently went along with him. He had his door open already, he put me inside and then closed my door and in the next few moments he was sitting beside me, putting on my seatbelt. I continued staring at him and suddenly he leaned towards me and said,

"Amore, we need to know each other......it is needed before we get married this weekend"

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