A Freezing Twist!!

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We started driving and finally stopped at a cottage. I had dozed off as soon as we had started from the clinic. Hey, I love sleeping, specially when it's this peaceful and sweet and may be I can blame the pregnancy as well. It seemed to be on the outskirts but not isolated. Yes, you can say I am a little paranoid but it's true, at the end of the day, even though I knew this person and he was pretty famous in the world, he was a stranger.

My location was turned on for Rose and she was supposed to keep track of me. I am a romantic but not a blind one. So just to be sure, I looked around and saw a really beautiful place with greenery all around. It was all so peaceful, that I could even hear the wind blowing through.

He stopped the car and stepped out to open my side of the door because I just sat there gaping at the scene. " You need to close your mouth or the birds might go in and I would rather something else goes in that mouth first" and saying this he smirked.

I slapped his arm," Hey, dirty, shut up"

"I meant food, Agapi , food. I am curious now, what did you have in mind though?"

I blushed because I could see that he was teasing me. It was already afternoon by the time we had reached there so I stepped out and walked along with him to the back of the cottage. I could see that a cute lakeside table had been decorated with candles and lights...and it was all mind blowing for me. I could see that food had already been served and I was damn hungry.

I still couldn't talk and I could feel myself tearing up. There hormones were responsible for everything that was happening because usually am pretty good in hiding my emotions. I just kept quiet and walked towards the table. We sat down and he started playing some music on his phone. That was enough to fill up the silence. Why the hell couldn't I speak something nice? Why was I choking up? I should thank him for all he has done. Damn it!!

"Thanks...uh...thank you for all these. It looks so beautiful and I think I needed this break from my routine. "

"Yes, me too, I think. I have not taken a vacation in the last 2 years. It has been all work and no rest. I knew you would not like something too flashy, but the ideas are there, waiting to be executed. We will stay here and after lunch we are going to take some rest and then go for a walk in the evening. Is that ok with you?"

That seemed like a nice plan. So we finished the food while having small talk. The best part was that there was no pressure to continue with the conversation whenever there was a pause as the silence was not awkward. We wrapped everything up and continued toward the bedroom. It was a small cute bedroom with a single bed and all blankets and pillows. There was a slight chill in the air and I could see that there was only 1 bed. ONE BED.

"umm...where are you going to sleep, then?"

" Here, on the bed...why, where did you think I was going to sleep?"

" Ohkkk...so where am I sleeping then, is there any other room?"

"Ok, so let me get this straight. You are having my baby and we can't share a bed?"

"Hey, shut up. We are not having the baby in a conventional way. And its weird don't you think that we have to be in the sammmmeee...heyyy...what are you doing?" By the time I finished my sentence, Adrian had already picked me up and dropped me on the bed.

"Καταραμένη γυναίκα, γιατί πρέπει να τα κάνεις όλα περίπλοκα", saying this he jumped beside me on the bed. I sat there stunned into silence. Why was this awkward? Its not like i had not slept with him before. Slowly, I controlled my stupidity and removed my shoes. I took the pillows and placed it between us and laid down.

That guy very easily just takes out the pillows and pulls me into his arms. He straightens me to kiss me deeply. The action takes me by surprise and I respond back to his kiss. It just seemed natural now. The hesitation was still there but kissing him was easy. Slowly I felt him moving down to my neck. He stopped on my collar bone and sucked deeply. I could feel something happening inside me. He kept on kissing me down my cleavage and his hands went down to my waist and he pinched my suddenly.

"Ouch...."Damn.....that pinch was so arousing, I could feel myself losing my senses. His hand travelled up my waist and then slowly he pulled down my dress to my waist. I covered myself with my hands instinctively, because this was absolutely sudden for me. He stopped and created some distance between us.

"Are you ok? Are you ok with this? I, Tiara...uh, I..." Saying this, he rested his head on my forehead and slowly breathed in and out. I tried to match my breath with him and could feel myself calm down. He took my hands and kissed it while I kept my eyes closed. I felt him continue down my cleavage again and finally stop at my belly button. I was pretty embarrassed, because I knew that I was starting to show my bump a little. He lightly kissed my bump and moved upwards. His slow softness compelled my open my eyes. He moved over me and put his head under my chin and again took deep breaths.

" Love, I can't seem to control myself, but I don't wanna do anything without having a first proper date. Help me Tiara, please hug me." He sounded so desperate that instantly my hesitation vanished and I tightly hugged him back. I never realized when he had taken his shirt off. Feeling his skin on mine was like a slow burning fire taking over my body. He again pressed his lips back on mine and his hands moved to cup me softly. His touch was going straight to my head making me dizzy. He turned suddenly and moved me on top of him. He pulled me into his arms and covered us with the blanket. He put his nose in my hair and hugged me tightly, breathing me in. I felt myself relaxing, slowly, bit by bit and then I dozed off.

It felt like I had been sleeping just for few seconds when I felt someone shaking me awake. "Wake up, Amore, its 6 in the evening, we will need to go out for dinner now. We will miss the things planned if we don't start right now" It took me some time to come to my senses. The bed was so soft, it felt like I was sleeping on a cloud. He moved out of the room to pack up some things and left me alone. I quickly freshened up and remembered the afternoon. It felt like something out of the world. I couldn't believe that I was getting to date this amazing guy. He did seem like a true gentleman. We quickly locked up the cottage and walked down the dainty street into the town.

While walking I could feel that it looked a little familiar......why did I seem to remember this shop? Where have I seen this place before? I did not allow this to perturb me further though.

He took me straight to a flower shop, which was very cheesy but I loved flowers to death. How did he know that? "Hey, how do you know I like flowers?"

" Agapi, your entire house and cafe is filled with flowers, every nook and corner. I think anyone who meets you will know that you love flowers" Saying this, he smirked. I blushed because he was right. He went inside to search for some flowers and I was looking at the lillies and orchids. The shop was smelling heavenly. I bent down to smell few roses, when I heard my Mom's voice,

"Tia? Is that you? What are you doing here?" I saw Adrian, walking towards me with a bouquet in hand,

" Love, what do you think of this?"

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