A New Start??

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Sorry for being late again....you know I am gonna stop saying this...its kind of starting to be repetative....but I swear...I have my mind to complete this story and enter the Wattys 2020.....So I won't stretch it too long.....thanks for the patience, guys....and please comment and vote!!!!.Happy reading!!

"I can't believe you.....I really can't. I mean I know you both were in it together, but still......."

"Tiara, don't you think that maybe, just maybe you are kinda overreacting? It happened in the past. Its over and yes, I am not proud of it but it happened. Just that. Please can we move on? Moreover, it did not happen the way you are thinking. WE are just friends"

OH...you ARE just just friends? ARE just friends? But you are right.....It doesn't matter to me. Just doesn't. If we were in a relationship it would have affected me. But since we are not, I don't care"

Saying this I turned around to walk away but before I could do so, Adrian pulled me back towards himself. "Don't walk away from me, ok?  What do you mean we are not in any relationship? We are going to be parents"

"Shut the fuck up. I am going to be a mother. You are nothing to it"

"The baby you are carrying is mine if you have forgotten."

"We did not have sex, for your information, you idiot. It was not my fault that you came to know my identity. I am gonna sue that company for sure"

"Well....if you have an issue with the fact how we conceived, maybe we can rectify that now. We can go and clear it up. It does not have to be unconventional."

 "In your dreams, Adrian Stavros...in your dreams."

Saying this I moved his hands away from my body and walked away. I went towards Lily and saw that she was packing up. I guess the party had ended and I felt guilty that I had not been able to be a help them. This was the first and only time this had happened. I will take care that it was not repeated.

" Hey Tia, we are closing up. We just need to collect our cheque from Janet and we will be on our way."

"Thanks so much Lilly. You really are a life saver. I couldn't have handled this entire thing without you. Lets go. I will talk to Janet about it."

I walked around looking for Janet. I asked Robin from the next counter since he had the cheque in his hand. He pointed it towards the exit of the room. As soon as I turned around, I saw  her walking towards me. She stopped beside me and then smiled. 

" Hi. I know you are looking for your payment but Mr. Stavros will be handing out yours. He asked me to deliver you this message. You may find him in his office" , saying this she moved forward to the others.

Ok.....I did not expect him to play this way. I could not believe that he will play like this. For a second I thought that I should let it be and just go away but then again I thought that I have to pay the people who worked for it.....and this event was paying me quitely nicely.

Swallowing my pride, I went down to his office and knocked. Hearing his voice, I opened the door and stood infront of his desk. He kept staring at me intensely with his hand on his chin.

" I have just come for my cheque and then I will leave."

He took the envelope that was kept on his desk, came around it and stood infront of me. He held the cheque out to me and stood quitely. I had the childish urge to snatch it from his hand and run but I kept my calm and touched the envelope and tried to take it.....but it was of no use.....it did not even budge from his hand. He stood there stiffly without blinking.

"I am not in the mood to play with you."

"And I am not playing with you. Take it and leave." Seeing him smirk made me want to bang his head. I tried to snatch it next but to no avail. I then , very childishly I admit, pinched his hand. But his expression did not change. I had no option left. I stabbed my finger nails which atleast made him flinch. The reaction, you ask?

He took my other hand in his and within a blink pulled me towards himself. This happened so fast, I could only keep myself upright. His left arm went around my waist and his right hand lightly touched my face. Before I could say, anything, his lips came down on me. I tried to stop myself from feeling anything but I couldn't.  I did not want to feel for this player but his lips insistently pressed down on me. Suddenly he bit my lips which made mine open and he captured my lower lip between his. Very lightly, he felt around his tongue and then sucked the  part where he bit. This hard and slow had me feeling breathless. I gave in and put my hands around him. I held him tight...because I wanted to forget tonight. I wanted to feel what I was feeling just few hours back where there no extra marital affairs.

As suddenly as we had started, he stopped and touched his forehead to mine.
"Why don't you believe me? Why do you wanna dig up the past and spoil our present? She is nothing to me. We just passed our time together. Nothing else."

" I wanna believe you, I do...but how do I know that won't happen again?"

" What do you mean? Everyone has a past, Tiara!"

" I know that Adrian. I understand as well....but I just don't compare to her. If you have woman like them, why are you coming to me?"

" That is the issue? You are comparing yourself to her? I want you and not her. Please......she is not you and you are not her. You are suited for me."

" How do you know that? We have know each other for only days"

" You are right, you know.....absolutely.  That's why I want to ask you out for a date. Let's go out and try and get to know each other. "

" I don't know,  Adrian.....I just don't know......"

"Please say yes, Tiara.... This weekend...lets go out. I want to date you. If it works out, great. If not then we will see...."

" Ok......ohkk...but you have to ask me out formally...", saying this I had to smile at him....I was trying to be funny.
I did not expect him to do what he did next. He reached out to the lone red rose kept on his desk and then again took me in his arms. He brushed that rose near my lips and then whispered,

" I am not asking you....I am telling you...Amore...we are going out this Saturday, and it will be a new start and a journey you will want to complete with me....."

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