Surprise attack!!

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I have uploaded the third chapter........ all thanks to my semester break!! I won't give any pep talk this time, but do please read and vote!! I am venturing into a new line of idea!! ENJOY!!

hmm....a word. this chapter is dedicated to one of my all time favorite writers - Sarah24SM. I love her books...her stories are fabulous!! please do read them!!

The sound of the bells broke me out of my daydream but I did not look at the door because I knew that Lilly would attend to whoever walked in. I tried to concentrate on accounting but for the life of me I couldn't even remember what I hell I was working on. I just kept thinking about ways of breaking the news of me being pregnant to my parents but I just kept going round and round. It's already 4 weeks since I have found out!!

Instead of thinking of ways to tell my parents, I just kept thinking of the situations when they receive the situations and their reactions. I was mainly revolving around the ideas which always ended with them disowning me; it was a possibility what with my Mom being an Indian. Yes, I am a half breed - from my maternal side, I was an Indian and my paternal side was American. Not saying that my Dad was going to very cool about it, but my mom was very tight about all the family values and cultures and if she hears about me being pregnant without being married, she is going to have a heart attack. I just hope not!!

Before I could further complicate my thoughts, I felt someone pocking me on my arm repeatedly. Turning around, I found Lilly red faced, looking as if she was going to burst out and I immediately knew she had some news.

She bend down and started hissing, I swear I am not kidding she was, "Do you know who just came in? Oh my God, I am so excited, I could swoon. Did you see how handsome he is? God his hair!! I wanna roll around in it!!"

I looked at her with a straight face, "You do know that it is his hair, not hay or grass that you can roll around"; she looked back at me with a scorn, "Shut up!! I was just saying that; not that I am going to actually do it. Anyway, just look at him - a fine male specimen, yummmmm"

Sheesh!! She actually said that! But to look at him I had to turn around from the computer, well...let's just say that I am very lazy; Leave it at that, you know.

"IF he is so yummy, why don't you go and serve him? He must be waiting for someone to take his order"

"I wish he was waiting for me, Sam got to him first. I was serving the table next to his, when I looked at him. I am gonna kick Sam's ass," and there I knew that Sam was going to get an earful; Poor man!!

"Ok, now go and do your job, I am doing the accounts here, I really need to concentrate." And she was finally gone. Lilly was a force of wind, she just whooshes you off.

I looked back to the computer, and tried to work again, but I could feel someone's eyes on me; staring a hole in my back. I tried to ignore it, but it really felt like it was poking my back, so I had to turn around.

Turning around, my eyes directly met that of grey ones; grey beautiful ones, one that you could drown in. Trying to collect my scattered thoughts, I looked away, but then had to look back again, because I could still feel his eyes on me. Now that was rude. Turning my head, I saw him sipping his coffee slowly, his gaze on me. He had dark brown hair, which looked really silky, and was wearing a light grey sweater, that suited him to a T. I tried to look at his lips - uhh!! They were hidden behind the coffee cup, but hell, he looked really gorgeous. I looked away but still, I blushed!! Fuck no; now was not the time for my female hormones to work, I really shouldn't do that, he is of a male species, though a very fine one, he will think that I am interested in him. So looking back at him again, I drew my right brow up and gave him a sarcastic smile. I thought that at least this was going to make him remove his gaze, but no!! He returned my smile with one of his and raised his cup as if to say hello. That made me turn right back around towards my computer and start working. Then I heard footsteps coming towards me, and don't ask me how, but I knew that it was him.

"So, are you feeling ok?"

Now I knew that not only was he devilishly handsome, he also had a foreign accent, one that I was not able to recognize, but still sent shivers down my body. Turning towards the counter, I saw that he was leaning on it and had a really inquisitive look on his face. Feeling confused, I asked him, "What exactly do you mean?"

"Well, just what I asked - how do you feel?"

"And may I ask why you are asking me this?"

Taking on a taunting look, he asked, "Are you really this way with everyone?"

Fuck no!! This guy here kept confusing me and now he taunted me. What was his problem??

"Look, I really have no time for your niceties, that is if you are actually being nice, and please kindly pay for your coffee and then quietly get out. Believe me, I am not at all rude with my customers, but this man was getting on my nerves. As much as he looked and smelled good, I could tell that he was arrogance and money impersonified.

"Hmmm....then maybe I can ask you, are you experiencing any morning sickness? Nausea? And should you be drinking coffee?"

What the hell!! Now I was really shocked and scared. Either this man was mad or he could see a pregnant sign on my head. I knew the later was not possible, so only the first option had any potential. Still, I was a little unnerved.

"Wha..what are you talking about? What do you mean by all that? Just pay and get lost please"

Seeing that I was close to losing it, he smirked at me and leaning down, "you really should stay away from coffee, it not good for the baby!!"

Nope...I was dreaming...I really was dreaming....No one other that Rose knew about the baby. I pinched myself and felt the pain, so I knew it was all real.

"Don't hurt yourself love, it is all real. You are not dreaming, so now you kindly answer my questions. Have you been to a doctor?"

Shaking, I asked him, "Who are you and what do you want from me?" my hands had started sweating badly. This time he did not answer. He stood up straight, smirked, and then turned towards his right. I thought he was finally going to leave, but then, he walked right over to the open space in the counter, came to my side, and leaned down in my face. He slowly slid his left hand in my hair, tucking my locks behind my right ear, and softly placed his right hand on my stomach; making me absolutely freeze in my chair. He smelled really good, with a minty, fresh breath, and an unknown smell that I guessed belonged to him, then moved his lips right on my ear, making it look as if he was kissing it, but then he whispered out the heart-stopping words:

"Sweetheart, I am the father of your baby.... Férneis to moró mou, tin agápi mou!!"


Férneis to moró mou, tin agápi mou : You are carrying my baby, my love!!

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