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Chapter Nineteen:

Pearl Essence McClay Jacksonville, Florida

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Pearl Essence McClay
Jacksonville, Florida

"She told me his ass was trouble now she out here kissing on him!" Pearl explained while slightly shouting. She was angry at Kirari.

Truth be told, she understood the fact that Kirari had tried to leave on multiple occasions and she cared about the girl enough to move  past that without making it a big deal. It was the fact that she was with Reese that pissed Pearl off.

"Pearl baby, Reese used to be trouble. All the things people would say he did, most of them were true. It's a good thing that she warned you." Mama G replied while she filed her nails. They were in the living room talking while the RHOA was paused on the TV.

"Don't get me wrong baby but I remember you telling her that you was done with him because he seemed like he didn't want you?" Granny asked as well, one of her trimmed brows raised at Pearl.

Pearl sighed, she was tired of this whole thing. All she wanted was for Kirari to realise that Pearl wasn't actually mad about the party, she was mad about Reese.

"Reese ain't ever look at me the way he look at her." Pearl admitted, it stung a bit that she'd wanted Reese just for him to go for her friend who hadn't even wanted him initially.

"Pearl you gon' have a man that's gon' look at you even better than that. Don't be impatient."

"Now baby, Kirari was wrong to kiss him without discussing it with you first and finding out your feelings about the whole thing." Mama G also added, "But let me tell you something, Reese liked Kirari years ago, when he'd just started gangbanging and she rejected him because she didn't like that. I remember that she came over here and talked to me just like you are now."

"Reese and Kirari have a past that came long before you, it ain't a shock to anyone that when he finally gave up gangbanging, he went straight to her." Mama G shrugged, she wasn't going to sugarcoat anything because she never did when she was raising Pearl's mother. She wanted her girls to be strong and to be able to take criticism.

"Granny it sound a lot like you defending her." Pearl sighed as she leaned back on the seat.

"Not even. I'm just telling you both sides before you blow up. I want you to make a decision knowing everything which is why I think you should go talk to Kirari. You my granddaughter and I'm gon' tell you how it is, not what you want to hear." She put the nail file down and grabbed some beige nail polish.

"Whatever, I'm gon' talk to her." Pearl shot up and grabbed her phone before rushing out the house. She loved Kirari and wanted to believe that this whole thing with Reese wasn't because Kirari was a snake but rather because she developed feelings without realising it.


"I ain't here to hear you apologise about the party. I want to say that even though that hurt my feelings, I'm not angry about that anymore." Pearl began, "I'm angry that you told me Reese was trouble just for you to go be with him."

Kirari shook her head as she listened, they were in the park they always met up in and were talking. She'd rushed out of the house when she saw Pearl's text message. Now that Pearl had said it out loud, Kirari finally understood. She understood Pearl's rage because she'd feel the same if she was in her shoes.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry Pearl." Kirari apologised sincerely. Everything was finally clicking in her head. She knew that the party thing wasn't enough for Pearl to flat out cut her off—even though what she did was pretty bad.

"I genuinely thought Reese was a bad person. When I started tutoring him, I realised that he'd changed and he wasn't the person that he used to be." Kirari sighed guiltily, "I didn't want to start liking him, I'm sorry girl, that shit is so disrespectful and I'm so sorry for being a shit friend."

"If I asked you to cut him off, would you?" Pearl stared at Kirari, her expression was hard as she watched her friend's reaction.

"I would." Kirari replied honestly. She didn't need to think about it, she'd seen niggas disappoint many of the women in her life.

She'd be stupid to let a man get in the way of her friendship.

Examining her face, Pearl could tell that Kirari was telling the truth. She'd really pick her over Reese and that soothed her hurt, she didn't feel as betrayed as before. From a young age, she could tell when people were lying and this girl clearly wasn't. She was willing to forget him for Pearl and that gave her the confirmation she needed to forgive her.

"I forgive you." Pearl sighed. "I know you ain't do that to cuh you a snake, you couldn't control yo feelings. Just tell me next time." She continued. If anything, she was happy that Kirari had been honest from the beginning and had been genuine with every apology she gave Pearl.

"I'm genuinely sorry girl and there won't be a next time." Kirari grabbed her hand on the bench table and held it tightly, "How'd you get home that night though?"

Pearl giggled as soon as she heard that question, she'd been dying holding this in for the past week. She'd wanted to tell Kirari so bad but because of what happened she couldn't. Feeling excited, she began to explain everything.

"This nigga Blanco picked me up and took me to his house. Yo he had a whole ass cinema up in that bitch and we watched Acrimony forget her, he even got me snacks and shit." Pearl continued, "He bought me a cake and we blew it out at my mama's grave before he drove me back home."

"Aww that sounds so cute, he sounds really nice." Kirari swooned, she was glad that Pearl's birthday wasn't a total mess just because of her mistake.

The girls caught up and told each other stories of what had happened during the past week where they weren't talking. Man, had they missed each other.


"How she say she got home?" Reese asked from over the line.

Kirari and Reese were taking a ten minute study break, which they just used to talk to each other. Reese was at his crib but they'd FaceTime while they studied just so Reese would stay focused and could ask questions.

"She said some nigga called Blanco took her home." Kirari shrugged, she wasn't about to tell Reese everything. Some of the things that Pearl and Kirari talked about were just between the two of them.

"Blanco?" Reese grabbed the phone and held it up to his face in shock, he'd never thought he'd hear that name coming out of Kirari's mouth.

"Yeah." She shrugged before turning off the timer that was going off on her iPad, ten minutes was done.

"Baby imma have to call you back, I got sum' to do." Reese explained hurriedly before he hung up the phone, leaving Kirari shocked. She simply shook her head before she went back to studying.

Unbeknownst that her and Pearl now had targets on their backs.

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