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Chapter Fourty-Six;

Reese Ta'vian JacksonJacksonville, Florida

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Reese Ta'vian Jackson
Jacksonville, Florida

'I think I loved you 'fore I knew you'

After everyone had left the house, Kirari walked upstairs to Reese's room while Leighton stayed downstairs playing the game. It was currently 9pm, the sun was setting and it was dinner time, everyone was tired.

She'd been holding in these thoughts in her mind the whole day, unable to do what she really wanted because all she was doing was obsessing over the meaning of the tattoo, it was just so—permanent.

Reese glanced at the stairs after she'd gone up with a sigh. He put the console down before following his girl, it was clear that something was bothering her. After that night, Kirari hadn't met his eyes once, she'd been slightly distant which stung.

Reese felt even more connected to her after what they'd done—he felt linked to her. If it was a soul tie, he wouldn't even mind, that was how in love he was.

"So what's up?" He asked as he shut the door of his bedroom and leaned on it while Kirari was slumped on the bed.

Kirari's big eyes glanced at him before they trailed off elsewhere. Her thick lips were pressed together and her brows knotted together, she was really deep in thought. Whatever it was, it was stressing her big time.

"Why you ain't tell me?" Kirari asked as she sat up on the bed and leaned against the head board, she patted the bed. Gesturing for Reese to sit opposite her, which he did.

They were now face to face.

"Tell you 'bout what?" Reese questioned, his brows furrowed as he tried to think. There was nothing he was keeping from her.

"That you got a whole ass tattoo of my name on you." Kirari raised her voice slightly, her emotions pushing through her fading, calm exterior.

Reese kissed his teeth when he finally realised what was going on. To him, it didn't really seem like something that she should get upset over.

"What's wrong with having my girl name on me?" Reese shrugged nonchalantly, he didn't understand the hysteria.

Kirari's eyes narrowed as she stared at him. How could he be so calm about it? Was a tattoo such an insignificant thing for him?

"We ain't ain't been together long enough for all that. You ain't even tell me." Kirari sighed, she didn't know how to make him understand.

"This tattoo ain't about our relationship, it's 'bout my first love, thass all." Reese attempted to explain to Kirari.

Having her name tatted on him wasn't him saying that he wanted to marry her, stay with her forever or anything like that. Of course he wanted to do all that but that wasn't the thought process behind it. He'd gotten it during a time of heavy guilt, he had all this love in his heart for a girl that hated him and he needed to let it out.

Reese loved Kirari, from the beginning, through their separation and even now. His love wasn't ever going to fade, regardless of their relationship.

"I'm your first love?" Kirari asked softly, looking at him with curious eyes.

Suddenly feeling shy, Reese looked away, "Yeah, stop that shit man." He grumbled before getting up and mushing her head, which made her mug him.

"This tattoo is about me and what I feel for you, it ain't meant to make you feel pressured to do 'nun." Reese added on, staring into Kirari's eyes before placing her short kiss on her lips.

"Next time, don't spend the whole day stressin, come straight to me, aight?" He asked.

Kirari nodded.

"Use your words, mamas."

"Yeah." She replied softly.

"Aight." Reese smiled before opening the door and leaving the room.


Pearl walked into the house and straight to her bedroom, she slumped onto the bed and released a deep exhale. She was exhausted from the whole day, normally she had a lot of energy, but she was getting tired a lot easier nowadays.

"You hungry?" Kiyeon walked into her room before placing some food that Mama G had cooked for them before going out to church.

"Thank you, Kiy." Pearl sighed as she sat up and began eating from the plate, devouring the food at an incredibly fast rate.

"How you feelin'?" Kiyeon asked as he got into bed, instead his head was at her feet and his feet were at her head.

Swallowing with food, Pearl stared at her brother for a moment before smilling,

"I'm feeling scared but I don't feel alone and that's the best thing ever." She admitted, even though she had Mama G, Pearl had always felt alone in the world.


After meeting Kiyeon, she no longer felt that way. She was now rarely alone and constantly laughing her problems away thanks to his stupid behaviour. He truly was the best brother ever.

"You gon' make me the Godfather right?" Kiyeon asked jokingly.

Pearl nodded, "Of course bro."

Kiyeon looked at her with a shocked expression, he hadn't actually expected her to say yes. He felt a sudden amount of responsibility on his shoulders, he was actually going to be an Uncle.

"Thanks, sis." Kiyeon replied genuinely.

"Nah, thank you, Kiyeon. You came when I needed you the most and even brought a good friend with you." Pearl admitted as she put the plate down and finished.

"Mo been treatin' you good?" Kiyeon asked Pearl with a curious expression and watched as his sister tried to fight off a blush.

"Yeah, he's been great. He a nice person." She replied, looking away from him to stop her thoughts of Mohameed.

"Always been like that, Mohameed helps anyone, no matter who you are. He just got a kind heart like that." Kiyeon revealed and as he spoke, Pearl felt her heart sting.

Mohameed was nice to everyone. She wasn't special in anyway, there was no connection and she was imagining it. He was only being kind and sincere to her, now that she looked back it was clear as day.

Pearl felt a bit dumb for almost catching feelings for a nigga who just saw her as another person who needed help. Luckily, she hadn't told him her feelings yet.

This baby would be her main focus from now on. Niggas had done enough damage.

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