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Chapter Twenty-Six:

Reese Ta'vian JacksonJacksonville, Florida

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Reese Ta'vian Jackson
Jacksonville, Florida

Reese walked out of a 7-11 with a small plastic bag, he was hungry and the trap had nothing. It'd been a whole day since he'd left home and he didn't feel anything so far, except hunger and tiredness. Even through the fatigue, he was still alert because now he had enemies who were out to get him. Enemies who'd put a bounty on his head.

Reese was in danger, even in the suburbs.

A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he thought of Kirari, he hadn't talked to her in two whole days. He knew that she was hurt, probably drowning herself in her books and taking care of her siblings. Reese knew his girl well enough to know that she was confused and angry, which was understandable but he didn't want to lose her.

He'd made a promise to her that he'd never go back to that life but here he was...back at square one. This lifestyle was the reason why she'd cut him off before, he didn't want it to also get in the way of this relationship.

The bond was too deep and he'd gotten too attached to ever let her go. He wanted her to succeed but he also wanted to be by her side while she thrived, Reese just wanted to be present through everything with her and that wouldn't be possible if he didn't get rid of Blanco.

Rubbing his empty stomach under his wifebeater, Reese squinted as the sun blinded him. He spotted his cat and unlocked it before slipping inside. The heat was suffocating but there were bigger worries, as always.

Kirari. Blanco. Reneé.

Everything he thought about what had happened to his sister's grave it made him struggle to breathe, the rage would just build up so quick that he'd start shaking. Reese had done a lot of killing in his life, way more than anyone should do ever, but the reason why he lacked recourse was that he always killed with a cause. This time however, if someone was even associated with the set GB, GBG or BG, he'd kill them without a doubt.

Another call from Kirari came in, Reese just stared at it. What would he say to her? His heart broke at the thought of them going through yet another break up, this time he was way too attached so he wanted to tell her when this was all over.


"Where Reese at?" Jalen asked as he slipped into Leighton's car, he'd just picked him up from the airport.

"He had to deal with 'sum, so I'm yo driver today, princess." Leighton replied with a hint of amusement in his voice.

Jalen rolled his eyes as he put the seat belt on and watched as Leighton sat down. He was used to niggas like him, they didn't respect other sexualities and didn't even try to hide it. Even though the homophobia was decorated and presented as a joke; it was still homophobia nonetheless.

"Which sets did this?" Jalen asked seriously, he wasn't here to educate niggas. He was here for Reese and Reneé, then he'd disappear back to Chicago.

Leighton's eyes looked at Jalen before he looked ahead, he was curious at how the man was so confident while clearly living a life where gay men weren't accepted.

"BG and GB but they're all one set which is led by Blanco and its called GBG." Leighton explained before he pulled the shield from the roof of the car to help hide the sun from him.

Jalen nodded, he was typing something on his phone. As the car came to a halt due to the traffic, Leighton pulled out a blunt and lit it up.

Taking this opportunity to see who was next to him, Leighton turned around to offer the blunt to Jalen and his eyes widened a bit.

His breath hitched in his throat as he stared at the man. Jalen had the softest features a man could have, from the button nose to the soft lips to the glowing skin. As the sun kissed his brown skin, his beauty was elevated and his eyes looked like deep pools of honey that were shaded by long, strands of lashes. Not to mention his thick lips that were coated in a small amount of lip gloss, enough to be noticeable but without looking like it was dripping off.

He shook his head no, before facing forwards. Jalen didn't have a sharp jawline, it was there but not prominent. His lashes were so thick that Leighton couldn't help but compare them to the fake ones that his main hoe always wore. Jalen's hair was in neat, drowning waves that even glowed in the sun.

Leighton found him...beautiful.

"Are you his cousin?" Jalen suddenly asked as the car moved forward for a second before stopping again, traffic was horrible today.

"Yes ma'am." Leighton nodded with the same goofy smile that always appeared on his face.

Jalen side-eyed him before shaking his head. This boy wasn't going to stop at all, he didn't care. Growing up in the hood as a somewhat feminine boy meant that Jalen had experienced homophobia but because of his brothers, he didn't experience it to its full extent.

"You know, if my sexuality affects you, then you can get out of the car and I'll drive my own damn self." Jalen replied with a soft smile, he wished he could say worse but he was respectful.

Leighton faced him and his smile got even bigger as he laughed. While Jalen stared at him, he realised that he recognised him from somewhere.

"I swear I've seen you before, do I know you?" Jalen asked curiously, he'd seen Leighton and heard that laugh somewhere but he wasn't sure where.

After calming down, Leighton shook his head no before he continued to drive for a few seconds and then stop, once again.

Even though he'd hid it well, Leighton knew where Jalen had recognised him from. He just hoped the man had a horrible memory because he wasn't ready to face that, at least not yet.

Playing Pooh Shiesty, Leighton nodded his head to the beat as he hit the steering wheel along the side. They could both tell that the traffic wasn't going anywhere any time soon so they got comfortable.

Jalen pulled out his airpods and placed them in his ears. He texted all of his contacts and they all stated that they were ready and all his weapons had passed security. Their plan was to annihilate a gang that has ran the streets of Jacksonville for decades, they needed brains and allies.

Leighton felt himself sweat as he pulled his phone out and scrolled to the App Store. The heat couldn't couldn't compete with how sweaty his nerves and panic made him.

His eyes were frozen on the 're-download' button in the app 'Grindr'.

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