Chapter 2- Compromise

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Chapter 2- Compromise

"What the hell?!" I screamed, and then I punched him in his face. "Ahh! What kind of face do youhave, one of stone?"

"No baby, it is the face of a god,” he replied.

"Don't ‘baby’ me, what do you want?”

"Well, like I said I want you to be my girlfriend?"

 “B-but why?" I stuttered.

"I know. I know. You might be wondering why I am asking a loser like yourself to be my girlfriend when you are not even attractive enough blah, blah, blah...”

"Are you just here to insult me? ‘Cause if you are, just leave me alone and I am late for class." I stated.

"Nope! I'm serious I need you as my pretend girlfriend."

"Why me? I am pretty sure that there are thousands of girls out there who would die to be your girlfriend and what makes you think I would agree to that?” I asked.

"Good question. The problem is I need to find someone who I will surely not fall for and technically that’s you."

I just watched him in shock as he continued to insult me and discuss his reasons to why I’m supposed to be pretending to be his girlfriend.

"I need to make Alexis jealous and beg for me to come back, because no one has the right to break up with Joshua Carter.

"You can do that yourself, why do you have to drag me into this?"

"Well, I am pretty sure that you need the school scholarship and to make sure that you don't lose it you can't afford another tardy mark like this moment. Plus you have to ace your next Physics test,” he reasoned.

God he was right! How the heck did he know these things? I really needed the scholarship but I couldn’t just agree with what he was proposing.

“I can tutor you Physics; you can come to my house later and the following nights. It is like hitting two birds with one stone, I'll teach you Physics and then we can plan how to make Alexis jealous."

I’d almost forgotten that the jerk in front of me had brains especially when it came to Physics.

Ugh! I just stared at him while he was smirking at me. Gosh, he was smirk was actually sexy and his....

"Maybe we can do something else; because the way you’re checking me out..."

"I am not checking you out!" I defended.

 “Whatever. You just have to compromise and…"

"Hey! Miss Smith! Why are you still here? That's detention for you!" Mr. Anderson shouted.

"What? Sir, I can't afford to have a detention, it might go to my permanent record!"

"Well, you should have thought of that before you decided to skip class. And you! Mr. Ca-Ca-rter…uh…" he stopped

Ugh! Great Josh got a special treatment!

"No, Mr. Anderson, it is fine I can have my detention too." Josh assured him.

Mr. Anderson returned to his office, leaving Josh and me alone.

"You see what you did? I got a detention! And worse, it is with you!" I screamed.

"Like I said, I can help you. I can ask my father to take it off from your permanent record. It's just a piece of cake in my part. So?"

What should I do? I really needed the scholarship but, but....

"Oh, whatever! Think about it and I don't take no for an answer. See you later in detention. And by the way, Coffee Girl, Alexis is currently dating Nathan Parker, aka your best friend, so you are a part of this..."

The last sentence was like a dagger that was plunged into my heart. I couldn’t hear the other things that he was saying. My mind was now confused. Why would Nathan not tell me? As I thought about this, I could feel the tears that were rushing in my eyes.

"Hey, are you still listening? Hey..." Josh asked.

I didn't reply. But instead, I ran away from him. I didn’t want to see him for a while and I just needed time to think about this. 

Hey. I know there are some readers who felt sad in this chapter but don't worry the following chapter will be more interesting!


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