Chapter 33- It's not me, It's YOU

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Thank you for those who have voted for the previous chapters! I'm just a little sad because I think the readers had diminish last chapter, I hope there will be more readers for this chapter! Please don't forget to support this story for Watty Awards!

For those who requested for me to read their story, no worries I already added them on my iPod library.

*Just a little fun (not a contest): If you guys would dedicate a song for Josh and Trisha, what will that song be? Just place them on the comments of you want...If you can't think of any, maybe you can share your favourite songs.

ßPlease Vote...comments...Fan...Like. I hope we will go back to What's Hot 30+


Chapter 33- It's not me, it's YOU

*Nathan's POV*

We were all gathered in the center of the stage. All of the bachelors here were eying Trisha. I didn't like the fact that they were all determined to get the garter just to get near her. It was very obvious that most of these guys were checking her out a while ago. Before the bouquet was thrown, only a few of the guys cared about the garter; now, they found out it was Trisha who got the bouquet, more than half of the guys are now very eager to get the garter.

I, for one, was very determined to get it too. I could see Josh eying the garter too. I don't blame him after what I found out about his feelings for Trisha, but that doesn't mean that I will just give her to him. Who knows if he was just confused about his feelings towards her, or maybe he just wants her because he knows he can't have her.

You see, there are some guys who loved challenges. If they knew that they couldn't have someone or something, they would think that they really wanted that thing or person. I will not let Josh take Trisha away just to see her hurt.

I know Josh wanted the garter as much as I wanted it, but that doesn't mean that I would give way for him. I could get that garter, and if I did, I will spend some time with Trisha. I'll finish my relationship with Alexis and fix everything with Trisha. I will talk to her once I settle everything. I will tell her how I feel, and I will ask her to give me another chance.

I moved closer to the center to make sure that the garter will fall on my hands. When Mr. Carter bend backwards, almost everyone started to jump. When he finally threw the garter, the men in the center bump into each other. It was hard to move for all of us since we are all packed in the center.

"The garter is on the floor! Anyone who could get it will be the lucky winner!" The host shouted.

I smiled when I saw the garter, the guys were too busy untangling themselves from each other and they couldn't see the garter. I moved closer to the garter and bent down to get it. I was already close to having Trisha, but then, someone caught the garter...

It was Josh.

"We have a winner!!!" The host shouted and everyone clapped their hands. I could see Josh smirked and I could see Trisha was smiling widely. Why was she smiling widely? Dies she like Josh too? Would I still have the chance?

"I told you, to get over it. I have it right now, and I won't give it up. You lost your chance." Josh murmured quietly only enough for me to hear.

I didn't have any comeback to his statement. He was right when he said he has Trisha now, but that is what he thinks. Was he really sure that Trisha loves him back? I know I still have my chance. I just need to let Trisha know how I feel.

I just stood there looking at him walk towards Trisha with a huge smile plastered on his face. Who can blame him? Any lucky winner of that garter would be very happy, and another thing is, he got what he wanted.

I was seriously pissed at this moment and I could see Alexis coming towards me. She was starting to irritate me. She comes here and lectures me about Trisha and yet I could barely see her in this wedding because she was too busy flirting with other men. She has a boyfriend for crying out loud!

The host called Trisha and Josh in front. I was fuming in anger because I could see both of them holding hands. Josh was pulling her in front. They acted like they were really a couple. If I didn't know about their deal, I might actually believe their act. The host instructed Trisha to sit down on the chair.

Josh knelt down and started to insert the garter.

I swear my blood is boiling because of anger. I don't want him anywhere near Trisha.

"Higher, higher!" The crowd shouted.

They were asking Josh to push the garter higher. Why were they all asking him to go higher? Wasn't that already high enough? I should be the one there, not him.

"Stop going higher." I muttered to myself.

"What do you mean stop going higher?" Alexis asked irritated.

She heard me, well who cares if she did.

"I said Josh should stop getting higher I don't want him doing that. That's supposed to be me, not him."

Alexis looked at me in shock; well it's time for her to know.

"What do you mean that's supposed to be you?" She started to raise her voice.

I dragged her to the side.

"Look Alexis, I need to be honest with you. I don't like seeing Josh and Trisha together. I hate it. It makes my blood boil and I am very jealous."

"You can't be jealous! You're my boyfriend. Why are you jealous of them?"

"I'll explain this to you, but Alexis, I'm breaking up with you."

Her eyes were now looking at me widely. "What do you mean you're breaking up with me?! Why?"

"Alexis, it's not you, it's me." I started.

"No, no, no, don't give me that reason!"

"No, actually, it's not me, it's you!" I tried to correct.


This is the appetizer for the next chapter! Hope I get good feedbacks for this chapter. I usually write longer when I get good feedbacks because I am very inspired to write. 

** My school is about to start so I hope I could give you the part of the story you are all been waiting for before the school starts, because once I'll have loads of assignments I don't think I could upload as soon as possible :(

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